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Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives - Islamic Books ...

Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives - Islamic Books ...


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R ace, Ideology, and <strong>Islam</strong> <strong>in</strong> Contemporary South Africa 2 7 5From the perspective of many progressive organizations, the committee wasma<strong>in</strong>ly composed of <strong>in</strong>dividuals who supported more-traditionalist <strong>in</strong>terpretationsof <strong>Islam</strong>. From the po<strong>in</strong>t of view of religious leaders, the committee appearedcerta<strong>in</strong> to produce a bill that conformed to the constitution. Thus, itseemed that the committee was bound to disappo<strong>in</strong>t both. And yet the committeeeventually produced a document that appears consistent with the constitution,agreeable to at least some members of the conservative religious bodies,and responsive to the concerns of women’s groups. The proposed act,therefore, demands an explanation of how the project committee was able toarrive at such a compromise between radical reform and tradition. The commi t t e e ’s approach seems to <strong>in</strong>dicate a unique stance toward the constitutionand towards the general problem of the nonrecognition of Muslim marriages.By releas<strong>in</strong>g a piece of legislation entitled “<strong>Islam</strong>ic Marriages and RelatedAffairs,” the project committee apparently gave up the attempt to propose“legislation recognis<strong>in</strong>g systems of personal or family law” (Article 15.3.a.ii), asthe earlier Muslim Personal Law Board had done. Such an approach hadopened up ideological differences that could not easily be settled. They werereflections of global <strong>Islam</strong>ic debates, for which there were no immediate resolutionson the horizon <strong>in</strong> South Africa or elsewhere. Instead, the committeeopted to develop the first provision for “legislation recognis<strong>in</strong>g marriages concludedunder any tradition” (Article 15.3.a.i). There is a subtle difference betweenthe two, and the constitution has an important disjunction (“or”) betweenthe two clauses. The earlier attempt of the Muslim Personal Law Boardwas bogged down <strong>in</strong> the development of a comprehensive s y s t e m of personall a w. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to Najma Moosa, also a member of the committee, noth<strong>in</strong>gshort of a complete code would have been acceptable: “MPL should be codified<strong>in</strong>to a separate code of law which would form part of the statutory law ofthe South African legal system,” and the best solution lay “<strong>in</strong> codify<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Islam</strong>iclaw and enact<strong>in</strong>g a comprehensive bill or ‘uniform Muslim code’” (Moosa1998, 201, n. 36).By reject<strong>in</strong>g this approach, the new committee came to directly address thecritical problem of Muslim marriages <strong>in</strong> South Africa, a source of a great manysocial problems. Muslim marriages conducted by imams <strong>in</strong> the mosques werenot recognized until the promulgation of the constitution. Even <strong>in</strong> the newdispensation, however, effective court decisions were hamstrung <strong>in</strong> the absenceof legislation. In the apartheid days, as po<strong>in</strong>ted out above, Muslim marriageswere considered “potentially polygamous” and hence repugnant to theWestern cultural norms adopted by South African courts (Moosa 1996b). Bychoos<strong>in</strong>g to abandon or sidestep the ideological debate <strong>in</strong> favor of the actualneeds of the society, the proposed bill suggested a unique approach. The approachof the committee confirmed an important democratic pr<strong>in</strong>ciple ofwork<strong>in</strong>g from concerns and issues that directly affected people. The ideologi-

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