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Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives - Islamic Books ...

Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives - Islamic Books ...


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2 4 8<strong>Islam</strong> i n <strong>World</strong> Cult u r e sarmed with firearms provided to them by the Europeans, encircled theMuslim forces. And on that day there were martyred 30,000 from Harar’ssons and the Kottu tribes who fought with them. Among those <strong>in</strong>dividualswere 300 hafiz al-Qur’an and 700 newly married youth from Harar’ss o n s .And the remembrance of these 700 wedded martyrs became part ofthe Harari wedd<strong>in</strong>g customs until today, when every Harari groom isgiven fabric that is called “satti baqla” <strong>in</strong> Harari, which means “seven hundred.”It is a rectangular cloth from white woven cotton, suitable for cover<strong>in</strong>g[that is, cloth<strong>in</strong>g] or for a turban, ornamented with a red stripealong the edges symboliz<strong>in</strong>g the martyrs’ murders. When he presents it,the gift giver, who usually is the paternal uncle of the woman’s father,whispers <strong>in</strong> the ear of the groom: “So that you do not forget.”The Afar and Somali to the south of their brothers, the people ofH a r a r, participated <strong>in</strong> the wars that Imam al-Ghazi Ahmad b<strong>in</strong> Ibrahimled, and <strong>in</strong> the battles that preceded and followed them. The Afar are dist<strong>in</strong>guishedby their violence and harshness and pride, and after the fall ofHarar after the battle of C’alanqo, they certa<strong>in</strong>ly cont<strong>in</strong>ued to enjoy their<strong>in</strong>dependence and their haught<strong>in</strong>ess and a great <strong>Islam</strong>ic zeal, ow<strong>in</strong>g towhich no unbeliever dared to set foot on Afar soil. The Afar cont<strong>in</strong>uedunder the government of their sultans who persisted <strong>in</strong> carry<strong>in</strong>g out s h a r i ’ apunishments. The last of these sultans is the Sultan Ali Murah, who currentlyresides <strong>in</strong> Jeddah <strong>in</strong> the k<strong>in</strong>gdom of Saudi Arabia, after hav<strong>in</strong>g ledtenacious struggles <strong>in</strong> the defense of his people’s <strong>in</strong>dependence and the<strong>Islam</strong>ic religion.In spite of all this <strong>Islam</strong>ic zeal that the Afar enjoyed, illiteracy spreadwidely among them, until ignorance of the <strong>Islam</strong>ic s h a r i ’ a among therank and file became a reason for the persistence of traditional customs,which <strong>Islam</strong> rejects, among them. And this is one of the results of ignoranceand lack of religious education.The spread of <strong>Islam</strong> and the Arabic language acquired an additionalmomentum at the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of the current century as the result of thelarge immigration of Yemenis and some of the sons of the Hijaz and Najdto Ethiopia. This immigration led to the biggest spread of the Arabic languageamong many of the <strong>in</strong>habitants of that country. It did not takelong before the Arab immigrants were jo<strong>in</strong>ed by Arabs arriv<strong>in</strong>g fromLibya with the Italian forces who <strong>in</strong>vaded Abyss<strong>in</strong>ia <strong>in</strong> the thirties of thisChristian century.The relations between these Arabs and the <strong>in</strong>habitants of the countrydeveloped through marriage and through their trad<strong>in</strong>g activities, whichthey extended to all corners of Ethiopia, along with their retention oftheir customs, their culture, and their profound devotion to the perf o r m-

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