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Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives - Islamic Books ...


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1 9 2<strong>Islam</strong> i n <strong>World</strong> Cult u r e ssistance aga<strong>in</strong>st the Dutch. The war was led by a Javanese pr<strong>in</strong>ce, Diponogoro,who laid the political and symbolic foundation for his campaign dur<strong>in</strong>g hisyounger days travel<strong>in</strong>g between <strong>Islam</strong>ic holy sites <strong>in</strong> Java (Carey 1992). ByD i p o n o g o r o ’s time, devot<strong>in</strong>g a stage of one’s life to local pilgrimage and religiousstudy had become standard practice for young Javanese aristocrats.Diponogoro, however, used his Javano-Muslim wander<strong>in</strong>gs to contact Muslimteachers and students across a wide area and to communicate to them hisideas on the centrality of <strong>Islam</strong> to his struggle to purify Java and Javanese culturefrom the threat he saw posed by the Dutch.Increas<strong>in</strong>gly dur<strong>in</strong>g the n<strong>in</strong>eteenth century, resistance movements aga<strong>in</strong>stDutch colonialism <strong>in</strong>side and outside Java appealed to forms of <strong>Islam</strong> thatclaimed to express universally <strong>Islam</strong>ic, rather than local or culturally specific,ideals. One well-known example of such a movement is the Padris, a We s tSumatran revolt that lasted for most of the 1820s and 1830s (Dobb<strong>in</strong> 1983). Itbegan with a group of Sumatran Muslim students return<strong>in</strong>g home after study<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> Arabia, which at the time had only recently been revolutionized by Abda l - Wa h h a b ’s movement. These return<strong>in</strong>g h a j j is brought with them a considerableamount of reformist orientation and energy, and they quickly conv<strong>in</strong>cedlocal p e s a n t re n and t a re k a t leaders to jo<strong>in</strong> their campaign to purify <strong>Islam</strong>ic practiceand establish <strong>Islam</strong>ic law <strong>in</strong> their region of Sumatra. They appear at first tohave been less directly concerned with colonial encroachment than with concernsover the purity and reform of <strong>Islam</strong>ic religious lifestyles and practices.Their criticism of local custom and conflict with the established Muslim elitessoon began to attract the attention of the Dutch, however, who were concernedwith the region’s lucrative coffee trade. Thus, this <strong>in</strong>ternal <strong>Islam</strong>icstruggle about faith and practice, connected to events elsewhere <strong>in</strong> the Muslimworld, grew <strong>in</strong>to an anticolonial campaign. To this day, some of the leaders ofthe Padri movement are remembered as national heroes <strong>in</strong> Indonesia.<strong>Islam</strong> and Rapid Change <strong>in</strong> the Modern EraIn the era lead<strong>in</strong>g up to the birth of modern Indonesia, there was a great expansionof the connections between Muslim Southeast Asia and the broader<strong>Islam</strong>ic world, due to breakthroughs <strong>in</strong> technologies of transportation andcommunications. Later <strong>in</strong> the n<strong>in</strong>eteenth century, contact between Arabicspeak<strong>in</strong>glands and the Malay world was further facilitated by the open<strong>in</strong>g ofthe Suez Canal <strong>in</strong> 1869 and the replacement of sail<strong>in</strong>g vessels with steamships.The early twentieth century saw a sharp <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> the amount of steamshiptraffic mov<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to the Indian Ocean, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g more ships that could carryMuslim pilgrims between Southeast Asian ports and the holy cities of Arabia( Vredenbregt 1962). Aside from convey<strong>in</strong>g many short-term visitors for h a j j

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