Making the difference - Vattenfall

Making the difference - Vattenfall

Making the difference - Vattenfall


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<strong>Making</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>difference</strong>Employer Value Proposition andCorporate Culture at <strong>Vattenfall</strong>www.vattenfall.com/career

ContentPart 1: <strong>Vattenfall</strong>´s Core ValuesHow we incorporate our Core Values into our dailyorganisational life 4Part 2: Cultural fitDescription of personality traits that are relevantand distinctive for our corporate culture 10Part 3: <strong>Vattenfall</strong> in briefInformation about our company, products and markets 17Where wewant to beand how toget <strong>the</strong>re.If you were to ask me why you should work at<strong>Vattenfall</strong>, I could give you a host of good reasons:<strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s excellent employee developmentprogrammes. The huge variety of challenging jobopportunities across Europe. Or <strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s globalmarket leadership in wind power.Yes, <strong>the</strong>re are plenty of excellent reasons that make<strong>Vattenfall</strong> a great place to work. But <strong>the</strong>re is one assetin particular that makes us unique and sets us apartfrom o<strong>the</strong>r attractive employers: our corporate culture.So, my first answer would be: It’s <strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s culturethat makes <strong>the</strong> <strong>difference</strong>.What does this mean? We asked our employees andmanagers across Europe how <strong>the</strong>y and <strong>the</strong>ir colleagueswould describe <strong>Vattenfall</strong> as an employer and what <strong>the</strong>yvalue most about working at <strong>Vattenfall</strong>. You will find <strong>the</strong>results on <strong>the</strong> following pages.At <strong>Vattenfall</strong>, we have created a worthwhile andchallenging vision: to be among <strong>the</strong> leaders indeveloping environmentally sustainable energyproduction. This vision tells us where we want to be.Our corporate culture shows us how to get <strong>the</strong>re.So – why work at <strong>Vattenfall</strong>? See yourself!Øystein LøsethPresident and CEO, <strong>Vattenfall</strong>2 <strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition<strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition3

It’s our belief ineach o<strong>the</strong>r’s abilitiesto perform thatmakes <strong>the</strong> <strong>difference</strong>.Shape it, share it andperform in it.At <strong>Vattenfall</strong>, weexchange experienceinternationally.We are an international community, based on cooperation. We workwith colleagues from diverse cultures and who come from a varietyof different backgrounds, with diverse ways of working. This givesus a chance to gain new perspectives. We share best practices andlearn from each o<strong>the</strong>r. We are constantly exploring new avenues forinternational cooperation and ways to enrich our work lives.<strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition statement is about howwe incorporate our Core Values into our daily organisational life.Our Core ValuesOur three Core Values are a natural part of ourdaily work. It is our behaviour in daily workinglife that makes <strong>the</strong> <strong>difference</strong>. The Core Valuesprovide guidance for all our actions.SafetySafety means that we care about <strong>the</strong> healthand safety of our employees, contractors and <strong>the</strong>society. All actions have to be taken in a safe andresponsible manner. We continuously make everyeffort to prevent injuries and occupational illnesses.We put a strong effort on increasing awarenessand knowledge on safety and safe behaviour. Ourproduction sites must adhere to a high level ofprocess safety from design to operations.CooperationCooperation means that we trust each o<strong>the</strong>rand openly work toge<strong>the</strong>r to achieve our objectivesand reach our vision. We want to live in a new eraof cooperation getting to know each o<strong>the</strong>r better,thinking, acting and sharing knowledge while learningfrom each o<strong>the</strong>r and exchanging experiences acrosscountries, divisions and functional borders. In <strong>the</strong>same way we work toge<strong>the</strong>r with our externalstakeholders.PerformancePerformance means that we focus onpassionately achieving our objectives while actingaccording to our Core Values. It’s natural for us toperform at our best and continuously evaluate ouractions in order to improve. While progressing wewill ensure excellence in performance to realise ourstrategic direction. We do what we say and wekeep our promises.4 <strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition<strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition5

At <strong>Vattenfall</strong>,we take individualresponsibility.<strong>Vattenfall</strong> gives its employees plenty of scope for initiative anddevelopment – perhaps more than you‘d expect at first sight. Wetake <strong>the</strong> chance to identify areas for improvement. We appreciatepeople who are proactive and we accept mistakes, as long as <strong>the</strong>yhappen in <strong>the</strong> pursuit of new ideas. We feel free to ask and to act.“I’ve got mining in my blood. That’s <strong>the</strong> reason I cameto <strong>Vattenfall</strong> in 2003. Prior to this, when I was atrainee with <strong>the</strong> Brandenburg Mining Authority, mywork often led me to <strong>the</strong> Nochten open cast mine.It was <strong>the</strong>re that I gained some lasting impressionsthat definitely awoke my interest in becoming a minermyself. So it was actually a very smooth transition.When I started to work for <strong>Vattenfall</strong> I already knewmost of my colleagues.One of <strong>the</strong> reasons why I find mining to be such anexciting sector to work in is that in mining everythingis much bigger than in ordinary life. It’s not as thoughall you have to do is open <strong>the</strong> car bonnet, replace apart and drive off! Our systems are super-sized –XXL – and this means <strong>the</strong>ir processes are a little bittrickier, too. They are highly diversified, which meansyou need to coordinate with a wide range of people.The social side of dealing with people is somethingI really love about my job.I also like <strong>the</strong> specific challenges surrounding myprofession. For instance, in early 2010 we succeededin mastering <strong>the</strong> rigours of a frigid winter. With <strong>the</strong><strong>the</strong>rmometer hitting -28ºC, our area in Lausitz was<strong>the</strong> coldest spot in Germany. Yet we managed tokeep <strong>the</strong> mine fully operating despite <strong>the</strong> freezingconditions, and that’s something we’re proud of.On <strong>the</strong> job withheart and soul.Henrik Ansorge,Conveyor Bridge Process Line Leaderat <strong>the</strong> Nochten and Reichwalde open cast mines,<strong>Vattenfall</strong> Business Division Production,Lignite, GermanyHenrik Ansorge graduated from Freiberg MiningAcademy as a mining engineer. He started his career in2003 as a trainee at <strong>Vattenfall</strong> Europe Mining, wherehe worked his way through various sections of <strong>the</strong>Nochten open cast pit before spending a year in administrationworking with operational planning. On behalfof <strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Engineering and Consulting Servicesdivision, Henrik spent five months in Kosovo workingas a consultant. He now works as a process line leaderwith responsibility for <strong>the</strong> lignite conveyor bridge at <strong>the</strong>Nochten and Reichwalde open cast mines.I’ve also taken on o<strong>the</strong>r kinds of challenges myself –like my five months I spent as a consultant in Kosovo.The sight of burning coal seams and totally obsoletemachinery is something I’ll never forget – <strong>the</strong>re’ssimply no comparison with <strong>the</strong> conditions we know.Such experiences help you to discover your ownstrengths and develop <strong>the</strong>m. If you do your job well,deliver solutions and make a positive contribution,you’re in very good hands here.Basically it helps if you’re a down-to-earth kind ofperson of <strong>the</strong> sort that miners are traditionally reputedto be. I’ve grown to learn that trust is something youearn by being dependable and having professionalskills and <strong>the</strong> ability to make fast but well-foundeddecisions. When we’ve all agreed on a particular positionhere you know that <strong>the</strong> whole team is right behind you.You don’t have to check who’s toeing <strong>the</strong> line and whoisn’t. Because everybody is. Trust for us is a basicprinciple. It’s built on reciprocity and that’s whatmotivates us.”6 <strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition<strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition7

At <strong>Vattenfall</strong>, weshare a strongbelief: our ability toshape <strong>the</strong> future.We have one strong belief: that we can shape <strong>the</strong> future andprovide society with energy for a high standard of living – generatedwith smarter technology. Why do we believe that we can do this?For us, this is not just an idea or a campaign. We are taking seriousmeasures to fulfil this goal, and we deliver solutions for everydaylife. For example, we are a market leader in offshore wind power.Our vision guides us: <strong>Vattenfall</strong> will create a strong and diversifiedEuropean energy portfolio with sustainable and increasedprofits, significant growth options and will be among <strong>the</strong> leadersin developing environmentally sustainable energy production.Shift by shift:trust and a lot ofresponsibility.Melanie Graf,Licensed Power Plant Operator at <strong>the</strong>Hamburg-Tiefstack Thermal Power Station,<strong>Vattenfall</strong> Business Division Production,Thermal, Germany“If, like me, you have a goal in your life and want toachieve something, this is <strong>the</strong> right place for you.At least that’s what I’ve found so far. Finding my wayaround <strong>the</strong> company has always been as exciting asit was pleasurable for me.Activating equipment in a power station is veryimportant because it means that people can continueto work in safety. You have to keep your wits aboutyou and think, be vigilant for any problems and reportany inconsistencies. Because what you do could affectpeople’s health and even <strong>the</strong>ir lives. For instance, if apipe were to burst, we’d be dealing with super-heatedsteam, chemicals or high pressure combined with highand low voltage electrical equipment. So you’ve got tobe 100% on <strong>the</strong> job and ready to act at a moment’snotice to deal with a breakdown in <strong>the</strong> shortest possibletime. That’s <strong>the</strong> kind of responsibility that everysingle one of us here accepts. Through experience youlearn where you can go it alone and where you need tocall on your colleagues’ help. You never stop learning.But because <strong>the</strong> plant is so huge and complex, and sovital for <strong>the</strong> public’s well-being, it needs <strong>the</strong> know-howof every last one of us. You will fit in here only if youbecome part of a team and play an active part inteamwork. Especially by working early morning andnight shifts, you automatically develop a team spirit.For instance, on New Year’s Eve in 2009, <strong>the</strong> entire shiftteam was on duty in <strong>the</strong> power station – that kind ofthing really draws you toge<strong>the</strong>r. In any case, I feel very athome on my team and with <strong>the</strong> company. I know from myown experience that my employer is on my side. AndI don’t just mean <strong>the</strong> works council and human resourcesdepartment, but everyone from my immediate boss to<strong>the</strong> director of <strong>the</strong> power station. Whe<strong>the</strong>r it was takinga leave or fur<strong>the</strong>r training, a great many opportunitieshave been offered to me here. And not just to me. If youcan bring forward what you want and justify why youwant it, you’ll get support in <strong>the</strong> form of release fromwork or a special subsidy. Even so, you’ve got to takeyour own affairs into your own hands. And you shouldbe open-minded and receptive to <strong>the</strong> unfamiliar and new.This isn’t exactly <strong>the</strong> right place for narrow-mindedpeople and know-it-alls. What I like is that even aftermany years of professional training, you’re still constantlylearning something new. Regular training courses anddaily dealings with <strong>the</strong> plant mean that we’re all wellprepared here – fortunately <strong>the</strong>re are some emergenciesthat we never have to deal with and that’s just how itshould be!”Melanie Graf started training as a mechatronicengineer with <strong>Vattenfall</strong> in 2003 and has sincecompleted advanced training to qualify as aLicensed Power Plant Operative. She worksshifts at <strong>Vattenfall</strong> Europe Wärme AG’sHamburg-Tiefstack <strong>the</strong>rmal power station.8 <strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition<strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition9

<strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s cultural fitCultural fit is a fundamental part of <strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer ValueProposition. It describes personality traits that are relevantand distinctive for our corporate culture. The various aspectsof cultural fit describe a certain attitude of how people at<strong>Vattenfall</strong> deal with each o<strong>the</strong>r and how we organise our work.At <strong>Vattenfall</strong>, people are successful when <strong>the</strong>y …... keep <strong>the</strong>ir promisesWe are realistic and honest about <strong>the</strong> things wepromise. Reliability and consideration for o<strong>the</strong>rsshape our actions. We do what we say, we keepour promises, and we foster a trustful environment.... entrust <strong>the</strong>mselves to <strong>the</strong>ir teamWe are committed to inspiring confidence in <strong>the</strong>individual and in <strong>the</strong> team – even if this means steppingout of our personal comfort zone. Constructivemanagement of mistakes creates an atmosphere ofmutual trust and supports openness to <strong>the</strong> individualand <strong>the</strong> team. It is also <strong>the</strong> foundation of learningand developing.... believe in what <strong>the</strong>y doOur actions are driven by our conviction to providea contribution to our environment and to serve <strong>the</strong>public interest. Our belief in our long-term strategicdirection provides <strong>the</strong> basic guidelines for ourdecisions.… dare to make decisions on <strong>the</strong>ir ownWe take responsibility for our commitments. Wethoroughly weigh <strong>the</strong> pros and cons, consult wi<strong>the</strong>ach o<strong>the</strong>r and make decisions. We take <strong>the</strong> riskto assume responsibility.… think in <strong>the</strong> long termWe favour long-term stability over quick wins. Wepursue our goals with perseverance and patience.Even if we have to go <strong>the</strong> long way around.… appreciate small stepsWe know that meaningful progress is based on <strong>the</strong>sum of a number of small steps. We also know thata pragmatic approach and steadiness of purposewin <strong>the</strong> race. This drives us in <strong>the</strong> pursuit of ourlong-term objectives and fundamental belief: in ourability to shape <strong>the</strong> future.... challenge things to make <strong>the</strong>m betterWe strive for improvement – conforming to <strong>the</strong>status quo is not an option for us. We continuouslyreview our actions – on <strong>the</strong> personal and corporatelevels.... take chances to developWe strive for progress and performance – weseek change and continuous improvement. Weactively shape our future and manage ourpersonal development.The <strong>difference</strong> betweenStockholm and AmsterdamAs an engineer at <strong>Vattenfall</strong> you will be part of an internationalcommunity of experts who wants to provide society with smarterenergy technology. Our attitude is that nothing can’t be improvedor refined. If for instance, our new plug-in Hybrid ranges fromStockholm to Järna on one charge we ask ourselves: how canwe make it last to Amsterdam? If you want to make a real<strong>difference</strong>, apply at vattenfall.com/careerThere’s energy in making <strong>the</strong> <strong>difference</strong>10 <strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition

“We have control rooms in three locations in Sweden,from where we can direct <strong>the</strong> greater part of <strong>the</strong>operation of 55 power stations all by remote control.My job is to improve and develop <strong>the</strong> control room’sIT systems. As a specialist for IT applications in thisfield, I also help to ensure ongoing optimisation ofour hydro power stations. Hydro power operation andoptimisation are <strong>the</strong> two halves of my job descriptionhere at <strong>Vattenfall</strong> Hydro Power. Obviously, whatinterests us is how to transform <strong>the</strong> power of movingwater into electrical energy in <strong>the</strong> most highly efficientmanner possible. What fascinates me about this inequal measure are <strong>the</strong> environmental aspects and <strong>the</strong>technological challenges. Both of <strong>the</strong>se factors wereinstrumental in my choice of this particular career path.It always gives me a sense of exhilaration when I learnsomething new or when I discover <strong>the</strong> exact workingsof a particular process. And at <strong>Vattenfall</strong> our appetitefor research is constantly fed with alluring researchobjectives.Unstoppableon his way.Just like water.Anders von Holst,M.Sc. Engineering, <strong>Vattenfall</strong> BusinessDivision Production, Hydro, SwedenAnders von Holst tested his job for afull year before signing a contract. Aftergraduating in Industrial Engineering andManagement he joined Vattenkraft/HydroPower in Sweden in 2007, where he wasresponsible for development of <strong>the</strong> centralcommand system for 55 power stations andalso worked on its ongoing optimisation.At <strong>Vattenfall</strong> <strong>the</strong>re are plenty of opportunities to dosomething you’ve never done before. And even moreopportunities to learn. I would be plain stupid not totake advantage of <strong>the</strong>m. In spring this year, for instance,I took a specialist course on power generation. Throughsuch seminars, not only do you gain invaluable knowledge,but you also get to know your o<strong>the</strong>r colleaguesand gain a different perspective on your own work.There’s nobody pressuring you or watching over you.We work on <strong>the</strong> assumption that everybody here willdo <strong>the</strong>ir job and speak up when problems occur. Thiskind of free space to manoeuvre is something I wouldn’twant to miss out on. Of course it’s a space you yourselfhave to fill out; <strong>Vattenfall</strong> expects everyone to beactive on <strong>the</strong>ir own initiative. The ability to listen andask questions is something that always pays off here.In this way you can benefit from <strong>the</strong> immense poolof experience that <strong>Vattenfall</strong> has collected. All thisencourages you to think for yourself. You’re alwayswelcome when you bring in your own ideas or makeproposals for improvements. You can always be sureof getting constructive feedback. Your boss and yourcolleagues show genuine interest and encourage youto go in for <strong>the</strong> long haul and consistently develop youridea if it’s a good one. Even if your idea is bad <strong>the</strong>y willnever say “That’s a lousy idea – forget it!”. Ra<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong>ywill give you alternatives or ways to improve it. Onevery striking feature is that our discussions are alwayscoloured by a high degree of respect for <strong>the</strong> work ofo<strong>the</strong>rs. As a student I would never have dreamed thatsuch a friendly atmosphere would be found in such alarge company. The bottom line is that I love my workand can safely say that not a day goes by when I’m noteager to get to it.”The <strong>difference</strong> betweenon and offAs a service technician at <strong>Vattenfall</strong> you will be partof a team that ensures <strong>the</strong> energy supply to millions ofhouseholds and businesses. It’s an assignment with alot of responsibility that could include every thing fromsecuring cold during heat waves to making sure peoplecan continue <strong>the</strong>ir sports training. If you want to make areal <strong>difference</strong>, apply at vattenfall.com/careerThere’s energy in making <strong>the</strong> <strong>difference</strong>12 <strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition<strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition13

“This has been a time of transition for me and mycolleagues. After working seven years for <strong>the</strong>company I now see how Nuon is integrating itselfin <strong>the</strong> international <strong>Vattenfall</strong> group of companies.Naturally, this has involved quite a few changes,but even so, <strong>the</strong> energy market itself is also on <strong>the</strong>move. This means that we have to be more sensitivein responding to customer preferences and marketdemands. Accordingly, if we want to continue withour present success, change is something we mustactively embrace. And that’s exactly what we’redoing.It’s typical for our kind of corporate culture that evenin <strong>the</strong> technological field, on <strong>the</strong> bottom line is stillcomes down to people. I love putting <strong>the</strong> right kind ofteam toge<strong>the</strong>r and <strong>the</strong>n seeing how everybody pullstoge<strong>the</strong>r working towards joint goals. Not everybodywould fit in here. There’s a whole set of character traitsthat you need to bring with you – and it doesn’t includethings like downheartedness or dragging your feet! Wefirmly believe in our ability to achieve something, whichis why we investigate all possibilities and leave no stoneunturned. Giving up half way through simply doesn’tbelong in our credo. Ano<strong>the</strong>r point is that we act on ourown initiative and our own responsibility. This is preciselywhy it’s so important that you have <strong>the</strong> ability to putyourself in <strong>the</strong> shoes of <strong>the</strong> partner you’re collaboratingwith at that moment – that you listen to <strong>the</strong>m and get afeeling for what <strong>the</strong>y need.The <strong>difference</strong> between greenfigures and green electricityWorking with <strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s business means that your decisions will notonly be of economic matter, but create real <strong>difference</strong> with tangible results.Your assignments could for instance include large-scale missionslike projecting a new wind park where <strong>the</strong> focus is not just on gettinggreen figures, but providing millions of people with green electricity.If you want to make a real <strong>difference</strong>, apply at vattenfall.com/careerThere’s energy in making <strong>the</strong> <strong>difference</strong>Shared trust.Working toge<strong>the</strong>rfor change.Enrique Zschuschen,Manager Common IT Services,Information Technology,Staff Function Finance, <strong>Vattenfall</strong> IT,<strong>the</strong> Ne<strong>the</strong>rlandsAnd while we’re on <strong>the</strong> subject of listening: I candiscuss confidential matters with my colleagues andstill be certain afterwards that no half-baked rumoursare going to circulate around <strong>the</strong> company. We discusseverything frankly and openly – and this createscommon ground between us that is robust enough tocarry us all. Without that we wouldn’t be able to worktoge<strong>the</strong>r as we do to solve such highly complex issues– often under challenging conditions.For instance, on one occasion we completely remodelledan important but ra<strong>the</strong>r unstable Internet platform inless than three months. That platform is now fully stable24/7. Through this process, everybody involved gainedsincere respect and admiration for each o<strong>the</strong>r andbonded <strong>the</strong>m in a feeling of shared satisfaction. Soyou can indeed move things forward here – and thatincludes your own personal development. If you keep anopen mind and curiosity, this is a place where you’ll finda job you’re particularly good at and that you love todo. It’s a place where you will grow. And that’s not <strong>the</strong>exception here, it’s <strong>the</strong> rule.”SAP expert Enrique Zschuschen joinedNuon as an application consultant in 2004.He is now a manager in InformationTechnology. His team of 170 developmentspecialists in Common IT Services ensuresthat <strong>Vattenfall</strong> stays future-proof inapplication development.14 <strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition<strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition15

“I really only intended to spend a year in Sweden –and now it’s been sixteen years! I studied geology inGermany, and when I’d taken <strong>the</strong> first part of my degreeI wanted to specialise in marine geology. Because <strong>the</strong>University of Stockholm had a very good reputation inthat particular discipline, I joined Erasmus, <strong>the</strong> EUacademic exchange programme. I hadn’t <strong>the</strong> slightestidea at that time that <strong>Vattenfall</strong> would be where Iwould land – and stay put!<strong>Vattenfall</strong> in briefGetting thathome feeling –step by step.Ilka von Dalwigk,European Research Coordinator at StrategicInnovation, <strong>Vattenfall</strong> Business DivisionSustainable Energy Projects, R&D Projects,SwedenGeologist Ilka von Dalwigk came to Swedenwhen still a student of geology. What started outas a one year academic exchange culminatedwith a career at BU R&D Projects. With a firstassignment as a consultant, she now works at<strong>the</strong> department of Strategic Innovation,responsible for <strong>the</strong> coordination of Europeanresearch projects and university cooperations.Apart from knowledge of your own special discipline anda broad understanding of <strong>the</strong> whole energy sector, youalso need social skills and <strong>the</strong> ability to get along withpeople of various backgrounds and nationalities. This isespecially true for my own line of work, which after allinvolves coordination of international projects. Particularlywhen people’s natures and ways of thought are differentfrom your own, tact and sensitivity are called for. Despite<strong>the</strong>ir cultural <strong>difference</strong>s and backgrounds, people at<strong>Vattenfall</strong> have a great deal in common. Anywhere in<strong>the</strong> world, if you meet somebody who also works for<strong>Vattenfall</strong> – regardless of what division <strong>the</strong>y work for orwhat country <strong>the</strong>y come from – you’re on a commonlevel with <strong>the</strong>m straight away without any shyness orinhibitions. I can still remember <strong>the</strong> first time I talked tomy boss that I had not met previously when I got mypermanent position at <strong>Vattenfall</strong> Power Consultant. Ourtele phone conversation was very straightforward, direct,and I immediately felt welcome as a new employee.Such encounters give me <strong>the</strong> feeling of being a part of<strong>Vattenfall</strong>. By now even <strong>the</strong> mention of <strong>the</strong> name ‘<strong>Vattenfall</strong>’gives me a feeling of being at home. A few years agothat wasn’t quite <strong>the</strong> case. Working on a team with o<strong>the</strong>rgeologists often led us into some pretty far-flung regionswhere we all lived close toge<strong>the</strong>r, and I used to think of usas an autonomous unit. That changed in 2006 when oursubsidiary changed its name. With <strong>Vattenfall</strong> now in <strong>the</strong>name everyone in <strong>the</strong> team has become more aware thatwe are part of a much bigger whole. Lots of things giveme this feeling at <strong>Vattenfall</strong>, even <strong>the</strong> open-plan officeshere in central administration communicate a sense of anopen, friendly community. I feel very much at ease in sucha working environment. When I arrive in <strong>the</strong> morning I cansee at a glance who’s <strong>the</strong>re and who’s not. You can movearound more freely and maintain contact with people fromo<strong>the</strong>r departments without any problem.Geology might seem like an odd profession for a companylike <strong>Vattenfall</strong>, but it’s no hindrance to broadening yourprofessional horizon. A former classmate of mine alsoworks for <strong>Vattenfall</strong> and told me how much at home shefeels with <strong>the</strong> company. I guess <strong>the</strong> same goes for everybodywho fits <strong>the</strong> bill here – people who stand with bothfeet on <strong>the</strong> ground and who take matters into <strong>the</strong>ir ownhands. The general framework is provided, but <strong>the</strong>n you’vegot to use your own initiative to move your work forward– that means without just being told what to do. Thiswould not be possible without my wonderful colleagues –we all rely on each o<strong>the</strong>r. Sure, <strong>the</strong>re are real challengesat <strong>Vattenfall</strong>, but it is in an open atmosphere of trust andwhere you are encouraged to grow and meet <strong>the</strong>m. I amassigned missions with a lot of responsibility – where I canget to grips with <strong>the</strong>m my own, secure in <strong>the</strong> knowledgethat my teammates are <strong>the</strong>re whenever I need <strong>the</strong>m.”<strong>Vattenfall</strong> is one of Europe’s largest generators of electricity and <strong>the</strong>largest producer of heat. <strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s main products are electricity,heat and gas. In electricity and heat, <strong>Vattenfall</strong> works in all parts of<strong>the</strong> value chain: production, distribution and sales. In gas, <strong>Vattenfall</strong>is active in sales. <strong>Vattenfall</strong> also conducts energy trading. The Grouphas approximately 33,000 employees. The Parent Company, <strong>Vattenfall</strong>AB, is 100 % -owned by <strong>the</strong> Swedish state.Business DivisionSustainable EnergyProjectsThermal ProjectsOnshore Wind ProjectsOffshore Wind ProjectsBoard of DirectorsChief Executive OfficerOperating segment GenerationChief Financial OfficerNet sales SEK 167,313 million Operating profit SEK 26,175 millionElectricity generation 178,9 TWh Sales of gas 52,4 TWhOperating segmentDistribution and SalesValid from 1st of January 2013Sales of heat 30,3 TWh Number of employees 32,794 full-time equivalentsSource: 2012 Annual Report16 <strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition<strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value PropositionR&D ProjectsEngineeringProject Governanceand ImprovementStaff FunctionsBusiness DivisionProductionLignite Miningand GenerationGeneration WindHydro PowerThermal Power and HeatBusiness DivisionAsset Optimisationand TradingAsset OptimisationNordicAsset OptimisationContinentalTradingOperationsBusiness DivisionNuclear PowerProjects and ServicesNuclear FuelForsmarkRinghalsNuclear GermanyDecommissioning andWaste ManagementBusiness DivisionDistribution and SalesBusiness SalesConsumer SalesProducts and SolutionsHeatEnergy Related ServicesDistributionCustomer Services17

A Europeanenergy companyIn 2012 operations were conducted in <strong>the</strong> Nordiccountries, Germany, <strong>the</strong> Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands, France and<strong>the</strong> UK. <strong>Vattenfall</strong> produces electricity and heat fromsix energy sources – wind power, nuclear power,natural gas, biomass, coal power and hydro power.Wind powerNuclear powerNatural gasBiomassCoal powerHydro power18 <strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition<strong>Vattenfall</strong>’s Employer Value Proposition19

<strong>Vattenfall</strong> ABNordic SalesJämtlandsgatan 99SE-162 87 StockholmSwedenTel<strong>Vattenfall</strong>+46 8-739AB50-00FaxStaff+46Function8-739Human50-00Resourcesinfo@vattenfall.comwww.vattenfall.com/careerwww.vattenfall.com2013, March

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