High Quality Outdoor Education - English Outdoor Council

High Quality Outdoor Education - English Outdoor Council

High Quality Outdoor Education - English Outdoor Council


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Outcome 6: Personal qualitiesYoung people are demonstrating increased initiative, self-reliance, responsibility,perseverance and commitment.IndicatorsThe young people you work with:• are actively involved in the planningof their outdoor education activities,• arrive on time, properly equipped andprepared for activities,• take responsibility for the care of theirpersonal clothing and equipment,• undertake appropriate tasks withminimum levels of supervision,• demonstrate initiative in overcomingobstacles to their progress,• work towards self-reliance in outdooradventure (eg, unaccompaniedexpeditions),• try hard to succeed at activitiesthey find physically or emotionallychallenging,• set realistic targets for themselvesover an extended period, and keepfocused until they succeed,• persevere with good humour in theface of discomfort (eg, fatigue orinclement weather),• take responsibility for not lettingothers down (eg, expedition groups,club teams);additionally, in clubs, they:• seldom miss training sessions,• make an effort to support other clubactivities (eg, fund raising),• take on positions of responsibility(eg, as junior committee members);and in centres or in a residentialsetting they:• take care of their personalpossessions, their dormitory areasand their personal hygiene.If you are providing high-qualityoutdoor education most youngpeople should be meeting orprogressing towards most of theabove indicators.13

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