6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government

6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government

6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government


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ecycling activities. This will help in carrying forward the ethics of soundenvironmental management in the young minds <strong>and</strong> nurture futureenvironmentally conscious decision makers.Promoting <strong>Environment</strong>al Research<strong>Environment</strong>al research is important to underst<strong>and</strong> the multi disciplinaryaspects of environmental problems together with the creation of facilities <strong>and</strong>development of technical capabilities in the academic institutions. Site specific<strong>and</strong> problem solving research proposals will be evaluated by a technicalcommittee <strong>and</strong> selected for funding. Only short-term projects of one to twoyear duration will be encouraged.Preparation of <strong>Environment</strong>al Management Plans for important localitiesDuring the Plan period, <strong>Environment</strong>al Management Plans (EMPs) forholistic control of all pollution, like vehicular traffic, urbanization, growth ofpopulation, pollution of water bodies, infrastructure development, change inl<strong>and</strong> use pattern etc., will be undertaken for environmental hot spots in theState. These EMPs will be proposed to various agencies to seek funding forexecuting the required environmental Plans.Conducting <strong>Environment</strong>al status report studies for all Districts in <strong>Tamil</strong><strong>Nadu</strong>District environmental profiles have been prepared for all the districts ofthe State. There is a need to update these profiles, to quantify the problemsof each district <strong>and</strong> to focus on the various environmental issues that are to betaken up for amelioration. Therefore, it is proposed to take up environmentalstatus studies for critically polluted areas in each district for which an outlayof Rs.3.00 crore have been provided during the Plan period.Externally Aided ProgrammeThe World Bank funded Emergency Tsunami Reconstruction Project(ETRP) will be executed as a continuing scheme.The project is likely to becompleted by December 2008.Two Project Implementation Units have been formed at Thoothukudi <strong>and</strong>Nagapattinam to monitor the implementation of the projects sanctioned280

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