6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government

6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government

6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government


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<strong>6.</strong>2.1. Introduction<strong>6.</strong>2. Ecology <strong>and</strong> <strong>Environment</strong>One can look at history from two sides <strong>and</strong> divide it intothe history of nature <strong>and</strong> the history of men <strong>and</strong> the twosides are however, inseparable; the history of nature <strong>and</strong>the history of men are dependent on each other so long asmen exist.- Korl Marx <strong>and</strong> Fredrick Engels(Collected Works, Vol.5, Page.28)<strong>Environment</strong>al conservation is an integral part of the socio- economicdevelopment. The growing population, high degree of urbanization <strong>and</strong> steeprise in energy use have affected the sustainability of the environment. Deforestationresults in the reduction of the sink for carbon dioxide <strong>and</strong> increasessoil degradation. Industrialization leads to water <strong>and</strong> air pollution. The waterresources get polluted due to the discharge of untreated or partially treatedwastes from industry, domestic sewage <strong>and</strong> fertilizer <strong>and</strong> pesticide run offfrom agricultural fields.Conservation is not opposed to development, since it includes bothprotection <strong>and</strong> rational use of natural resources. One of the greatest challengesis how to accelerate economic growth without exhausting natural resources.<strong>Environment</strong> is influenced by a variety of factors, hence environmentalmanagement is a complex issue. A benchmark survey of the present status ofvarious factors that govern the environment is a pre requisite to formulate anappropriate environmental policy. The <strong>Tamil</strong> <strong>Nadu</strong> <strong>Government</strong> hasprepared a ‘State of <strong>Environment</strong> Report’, which has broadly outlined theenvironmental issues in various sectors <strong>and</strong> possible approaches to tacklethem. The key sectors in <strong>Tamil</strong> <strong>Nadu</strong> are concerned with the environment areagriculture <strong>and</strong> horticulture, forests <strong>and</strong> wildlife, water resources, coastal <strong>and</strong>marine environment, energy, industrialization, urbanization <strong>and</strong> archaeology<strong>and</strong> tourism.The State, while planning for social <strong>and</strong> economic progress that satisfiesthe present needs of the citizen, has the moral obligation to pass on the262

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