6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government

6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government

6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government


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forestry, soil nutrient management, organic tree farming, nursery technology,medicinal plants post-harvest technology <strong>and</strong> silvicultural research. Researchon industrial wood species to support veneer, match, dye <strong>and</strong> other industrialsector will continue. Research on important agro-forestry species will bestrengthened.There is need to use geomatics as a technology in dealing with theissues like natural resource assessment, survey <strong>and</strong> demarcation, developingmonitoring protocols, disaster management <strong>and</strong> planning various mitigationmeasures. The primary objective of the Geomatics Centre is to strengthenfield-based applications of Remote Sensing <strong>and</strong> GIS by making use of latestInformation Technology <strong>and</strong> also contributing to the interpretation, planning,monitoring <strong>and</strong> evaluation of various decisions. All levels of field functionarieswill be exposed to this frontier technology of GIS for better resource monitoring,surveillance <strong>and</strong> threat control. By establishment of regional GIS Labs, thescientific management of forestry practices will be strengthened. The outlayfor the State schemes for forest research <strong>and</strong> GIS is Rs.2<strong>6.</strong>03 crore.x. Human Resource ManagementCapacity building programmes proposed in this proposal are essential<strong>and</strong> this will bring in a sea change in the working atmosphere of the departmenton the whole. The technical <strong>and</strong> managerial training <strong>and</strong> infrastructure facilitiesproposed in the project will bring considerable change in the skill <strong>and</strong> capacityof the personnel working in the Forest Department. This will also providebetter working environment to the individuals who will facilitate to achievethe objectives <strong>and</strong> mission of the Department. By this capacity buildingactivities about 3500 ministerial staff, 1350 forest watchers, 2200 forest guards,1300 foresters, 590 rangers, 50 ACF’s <strong>and</strong> 140 senior officers will get a chanceto improve their working quality <strong>and</strong> their personal development. Thus theover all working environment <strong>and</strong> the quality of working will improvesubstantially <strong>and</strong> this will definitely help to the mission <strong>and</strong> vision of theForest Department during the Plan period. The outlay for the State schemesfor human resource management is Rs.10.10 crore.xi. Empowerment of Women through ForestryIn many forestry schemes based on JFM also, women participation inproject activities is being limited to a labourer / client relationship mostly259

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