6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government

6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government

6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government


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Butterfly Park: Butterfly Park is to be established in Arignar AnnaZoological Park, V<strong>and</strong>alur. Important species of butterflies seen in <strong>Tamil</strong> <strong>Nadu</strong>along with their host Plants will be assembled in the Centre. It will imparteducation to the children about the insect world <strong>and</strong> the role of butterflies.Establishment of Zoo at Trichy: To create awareness among the peopleabout wild animals, the establishment of Zoo at Trichy is essential since thereis no Zoo now at Trichy.Vi. Tribal DevelopmentWith the change in time, there have been changes in the tribal life systemdue to socio – economic development around, but the change for tribals livingwithin the forests have been slow. Multiple agencies like the DistrictAdministration, the Forest Department, the Adi Dravidar Tribal WelfareDepartment <strong>and</strong> others have attended to the needs of the tribals within theforests <strong>and</strong> outside for their development. For the tribals living within theforests, the main source of support has been from the Forest Department.Tribals living within the forest areas have not been subjected to developmentalchanges. However, with the frequent interaction with community outside<strong>and</strong> the market forces, there is a change in their culture <strong>and</strong> consumptionpattern.The Forest Department has implemented various programmes for thedevelopment <strong>and</strong> employment generation of tribals within the forests likeproviding better education to the tribal children through nineteen schools,providing solar lights, improving <strong>and</strong> laying new roads to the tribal settlements,providing safe drinking water etc. Under <strong>Tamil</strong> <strong>Nadu</strong> Afforestation Schemes,various facilities have been provided to the tribals for improving their incomegeneration. Tribals in the forest area have been allowed for free collection ofNon-timber forest produce (NTFP). The outlay for the State schemes proposedis Rs.101.01 crore.Vii. Forest Protection <strong>and</strong> Fire ManagementLarge areas of forest l<strong>and</strong>s are under encroachment. There are severalex-zamin forests worth many thous<strong>and</strong> crore of rupees under various stagesof settlement. Survey <strong>and</strong> demarcation of boundaries of these l<strong>and</strong>s underthe control of the forest department needs to be carried out in a time bound256

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