6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government

6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government

6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government


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V. Biodiversity <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong> Conservation<strong>Tamil</strong> <strong>Nadu</strong> is a home for a rich diversity of flora <strong>and</strong> fauna, bothdomesticated <strong>and</strong> wild, <strong>and</strong> has set aside about 1<strong>6.</strong>03 % of its forest areaunder the protected area network comprising twenty <strong>Wildlife</strong> Sanctuaries,five National parks, three Biosphere Reserve, one Project Tiger <strong>and</strong> one ProjectElephant which are the protected areas. The <strong>Tamil</strong> <strong>Nadu</strong> State has animpeccable history of being a pioneer in protecting <strong>and</strong> conserving biodiversity.Inspite of the best efforts taken over the years in the conservation of biodiversity.The State is still facing challenges to protect its indigenous biodiversitydue to unchecked growth of population of humans <strong>and</strong> the livestock. This hasput tremendous pressure on the existing wilderness areas, which are shrinkingmaking space for economic development. There is also concern about thehabitat from other threats both direct <strong>and</strong> indirect on the biodiversity, whichinclude poaching, illegal smuggling of valuable endangered flora <strong>and</strong> fauna<strong>and</strong> other adverse impacts.During the Plan period, the heterogeneity <strong>and</strong> species diversity in thevarious forest types in the State will be protected <strong>and</strong> conserved. ThroughSpecies Recovery Programme critically endangered species in the WesternGhats will be reintroduced into the original tracts. The ex-situ animal <strong>and</strong>Plant centres i.e., the Arignar Anna Zoological Parks, the mini zoos <strong>and</strong> theGenepool Garden will support conservation along with the in situ conservationcentres. The protected area management will be fully oriented towardsResearch <strong>and</strong> Conservation of the rich Biodiversity. The ongoing scheme workscarried out under GOMBR Trust for Gulf of Mannar Biodiversity Reserve willbe continued till the year 2011.Almost all the wildlife related schemes areimplemented using <strong>Government</strong> of India funding. The outlay for the stateschemes under biodiversity conservation is Rs.37.93 crore.Some of the important centrally sponsored schemes implemented forwelfare of wildlife are discussed below:Night Safari: The Night Safari will be established in Arignar AnnaZoological Park, V<strong>and</strong>alur. The main object is to inspire empathy for the wildanimals among the visitors <strong>and</strong> finally maintaining the ecological balance.The safari will be attraction for the local population, tourists from other States<strong>and</strong> abroad.255

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