6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government

6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government

6. Forests, Wildlife and Environment - Tamil Nadu Government


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StrategyThe Eleventh Five Year Plan may have to take a new path with emphasison resource mobilization for tree cultivation outside the forest area. The thrustarea of trees outside forests today has emerged as new opportunity not onlyto support increased tree cover but also to improve farm income for the small<strong>and</strong> marginal farmers in the State.This Plan will for the first time seek to engage the rural l<strong>and</strong>less poor <strong>and</strong>the marginal farmers into tree cultivation <strong>and</strong> also support the dynamic growthof the primary sector in the state while also assuring that the forests areprotected <strong>and</strong> conserved for harnessing the expected forest based goods <strong>and</strong>services for the benefit of the people in the State. The following are the majorthrust areas, which includes the important schemes of the department to beimplemented during the Plan period.i. Increasing Tree Cover Outside the Forest Areas of <strong>Tamil</strong> <strong>Nadu</strong><strong>Tamil</strong> <strong>Nadu</strong> is one of the pioneer states that initiated “Community forestryprogrammes” (ie) afforestation in the community l<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> wastel<strong>and</strong>s asearly as 1960. In the seventies, in pursuance of the interim recommendationsof National Commission on Agriculture, other programmes known as extensionforestry, mixed Plantations <strong>and</strong> village forests were implemented to developtree cover on all available l<strong>and</strong>s for the benefit of the local community. Fromthe year 1997, under the <strong>Tamil</strong> <strong>Nadu</strong> Afforestation Project (TAP), importanceis given to restock/restore the degraded forests. About 20,000 ha of revenue/ community l<strong>and</strong>s have been covered under the component of “Greeningcommunity l<strong>and</strong> “from 1997 to 2002. In fact, after SIDA programme no seriousefforts were made to bring more area under tree cover especially outside theforest area.With the experience <strong>and</strong> confidence gained from SIDA project <strong>and</strong> thesuccessful module evolved for participatory approach under TAP, the forestdepartment of <strong>Tamil</strong> <strong>Nadu</strong> can go for various community forestry programmesin the available community <strong>and</strong> wastel<strong>and</strong>s such as Tankfore shore, Revenuehillocks, canal banks, Riverbeds, Road avenues, Tank bunds, etc. The projectenvisages to bring about 7 Lakh Ha. under tree cover during the Plan period<strong>and</strong> increase the tree cover considerably outside the traditional forest area.The total outlay proposed for this objective is Rs.375.00 crore.251

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