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Nightshift CavalryThe shadow shows Spc.Frank Killeen's ready posture.Killeen, a Trooperfrom B Troop 2/104th CAV(RSTA), is pulling securityin the town of Sa'ab AlBour while in support ofan Iraqi Army operation.Photo by Staff Sgt. MikeHutsonBelow, left: A 2-104th Cav. Soldier pullssecurity in a palm grove near Sa’ab alBour prior to a raid late on the night ofApril 29. At left: A 2-104th Soldier preparesfor the raid at the rear of a Strykervehicle. Photos by Sgt. Doug RolesBelow: Pfc. Kerry McCarty, of McConnellsburg,Pa., with C Troop, 2-104th CavalryRegiment, pulls security during a microgrant assessment patrol (see relatedstory Page 3) as the sun sets in Falahatthe evening of May 9. Photo by Staff Sgt.Mark BurrellPage 4 Independence Gazette May 2009

Photos by Sgt. Doug Roles1st Sgt. Harry Buchanan (left) ofAltoona, first sergeant of Co. B, 2ndBattalion, 112th Infantry, 56th StrykerBrigade Combat Team, looks over acourtyard in Abu Ghraib May 19 as IraqiArmy Soldiers prepare to use a metaldetector. The Soldiers were hunting forvehicle-borne IED-making materialsin an area where VBIEDS have posed athreat to Soldiers and civilians alike inthe past. The 2-112th is attached to the2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st InfantryDivision. Below: 1st Lt. Michael Kecklerof Bel Air, Md., a platoon leader withCo. B, 2-112, photographs a room of abuilding formerly used as a school duringthe search. Below left: Supportedby two buddies, Keckler peeks into anair vent.‘Paxton’ Soldiers join IA in huntfor car bomb-making materialsBy Sgt. DOUG ROLES56th SBCT PAO NCOPennsylvania Army National Guard Soldiersfrom 2nd Battalion, 112th Infantry “Paxton”partnered with Iraqi Army Soldiers May 19to search several locations in Abu Ghraib forexplosives. The joint patrol was part of anongoing effort to lessen the threat of vehicleborne IED’s in Abu Ghraib by searching forcomponents used in making car bombs.No explosives were found. Soldiers fromCo. B, 2-112th, 56th Stryker Brigade CombatTeam, said the continued patrols with Soldiersfrom 2nd Battalion and 3rd Battalion,46th Iraqi Army Brigade are a deterrent towould-be insurgents.“We do joint patrols. Today was a counter-VBIED [vehicle borne IED] search and attack,”Capt. Jason Hoffman, commander ofCo. B, 2-112th, said.“The VBIED is one of the greatest threats.We were actively patrolling to mitigate thatthreat,” Hoffman said. “We maintain a nearconstant presence.”Hoffman said Soldiers of the 2-112th faced“a big challenge” in Abu Ghraib, at one timeone of the more volatile areas of Iraq, but saidhe is proud of the way his Soldiers have metthat challenge and have represented both thePennsylvania Army National Guard and theU.S. Army. Hoffman said the civilian experienceteachers, corrections officers and emergencymedical technicians bring to theatre asSoldiers is invaluable. He said his Soldiersare involved in “full spectrum operations”that range from combat patrols to assistingwith civil affairs missions.“We’ve done a lot of great things here,” 1stLt. Michael Keckler of Bel Air, Md., Co. B’sheadquarters platoon leader, agreed.Keckler’s platoon was in charge of securinga landing zone during the May 19 operation,in the event that medical evacuation by airwas needed. He echoed Hoffman, saying, hisplatoon maintains a near constant presence insector. He said that level of activity pays offwith locals providing more tips on insurgentactivity.“The civilians are stepping up. They’re a littleless scared, because we’re out there all thetime,” he said. “They’re less scared to comeand talk to us.”The 2-112th is attached to 2nd BrigadeCombat Team, 1st Infantry Division.Find 56th Stryker Brigadenews onlineGo to,Click on “News from theField”Scroll down to 56SBCTAdd to your favoritesMay 2009 Independence Gazette Page 5

Nightshift CavalryThe shadow shows Spc.Frank Killeen's ready posture.Killeen, a Trooperfrom B Troop 2/104th CAV(RSTA), is pulling securityin the town of Sa'ab AlBour while in support ofan Iraqi Army operation.Photo by Staff Sgt. MikeHutsonBelow, left: A 2-104th Cav. Soldier pullssecurity in a palm grove near Sa’ab alBour prior to a raid late on the night ofApril 29. At left: A 2-104th Soldier preparesfor the raid at the rear of a Strykervehicle. Photos by Sgt. Doug RolesBelow: Pfc. Kerry McCarty, of McConnellsburg,Pa., with C Troop, 2-104th CavalryRegiment, pulls security during a microgrant assessment patrol (see relatedstory Page 3) as the sun sets in Falahatthe evening of May 9. Photo by Staff Sgt.Mark BurrellPage 4 <strong>Independence</strong> <strong>Gazette</strong> May 2009

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