Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Duillae 81Djila’qonsSea goddess. Haida Indian [Queen CharlotteIsland, Canada]. An old woman who lives at thehead of a major inlet in Haida territory and controlsall the creatures of the sea.DogumrikLocal guardian and warrior god. Kafir[Afghanistan]. Known from the village ofShtiwe in the southeastern Hindukush, Dogumrikis the herdsman to the daughters of the godIMRA and possibly a localized equivalent of thegod MON.DolichenusWeather god. Western Semitic (Syrian).Depicted bearded and standing upon a bull.Attributes include a double ax and lightning. Hebecame syncretized with the Roman godJUPITER.Dombi<strong>God</strong>dess of terrifying appearance. Buddhist. Oneof a group of GAURI. Color: red or blue. Attribute:a banner.DonMother goddess. Celtic (Welsh). Described in theMabinogion as the progenitress of the Welsh pantheon.Equates with the Irish goddess DANU.DonarStorm god. Germanic. The god of thunder whosesymbol is either a hammer or an ax. The dayname Donnerstag in modern German equateswith Thursday, a corruption of Thor’s day.See also THOR.DongoStorm god. Songhai [Niger valley, West Africa].The creator of thunderbolts, which are perceivedas stone ax-heads. As the celestial smith he forgeslightning and strikes a huge bell with his ax togenerate thunder.DonnChthonic underworld god. Celtic (Irish). Accordingto legend, he lives on an island to the southwestof Munster and is responsible for the passageof the dead toward the otherworld.DorisSea goddess. Greek. Daughter of OKEANOS andTETHYS and consort of NEREUS. In Hesiod’sTheogony her children include AMPHITRITE andTHETIS among many minor figures.Doudoun<strong>God</strong> of Nile cataracts. Nubian. Depicted as anantelope with twisted horns. His consorts are Satiand Anuket. Modeled on the Egyptian ram godKHNUM. Also Dodonu.See also ANUKIS.Dsahadoldza (fringe mouth)Chthonic god of earth and water. Navaho [USA].A number of deities are known under this title.The priest impersonating the god has one side ofhis body painted red and the other side black. Hewears a buckskin mask painted with a horizontalyellow band to represent the evening sky andeight vertical black stripes to represent rain.DuillaeFertility and vegetation goddesses. Romano-Iberian. Comparable with the MATRES in Gaul.

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