Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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DISANI 79Dionysos is a deity associated with a curious formof mass, intoxicated frenzy encouraged by festivalsof wine-drinking. He has a retinue of male,phallic satyrs wearing animal masks and joinedby female maenads. Although a gigantic phalluswas carried in rituals honoring Dionysos, he is nota fertility god and the phallic symbolism is purelythat of sexual arousal and carousal. Dionysos isthe son of SEMELE and there is some argumentthat the cult originated in Phrygia or Lydia linkedto that of KYBELE and traveled via Mycenaeanculture with sanctuaries in such places as Pylosand Keos. Greek women traditionally searchedfor Dionysos and it is possible that the Romanname Bacchus is of Semitic origin, meaning wailing(see Tammuz). Other authors have suggestedthat the personality of Dionysos emerged fromThrace and extended to Homeric Greece but thisargument is now out of favor. Other than in theopening of the Homeric epic material, Dionysosscarcely appears in literature.There was a major wine-drinking festival(Ionic-Attic) known as the Anthesteria, Greaterand Lesser Dionysia festivals with strongly phallicconnotations and the sacrifice of goats, an Agrioniafestival (Dorian-Aeolic) and most recently theAthenian celebration of Katagogia which markedthe legend of Dionysos emerging from the seaand during which a ship was carried or drawn onwheels.Dipa Tara (lamp Tara)Minor goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). Color:yellow. Attribute: a torch.Dipankara (light causer)Deity. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. One of a minorgroup of buddhas. Color: yellow. Attributes: nonein particular.Dipti (brightness)Minor goddess. Hindu (Puranic). No detailsavailable.Dirghadevi (long goddess)<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). Consort ofthe god NIRRTI.Dis PaterChthonic underworld god. Roman. Modeled onthe Greek god HADES.Disa (the ten directions of space)<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). Consort ofŠIVA in his terrible aspect of BHIMA and mother ofthe minor god Sarga (creation).DioskouroiTwin gods. Greek.See also POLYDEUKES.Dipa (personification of the oil-lamp)<strong>God</strong>dess of light. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet].Considered to be among the group ofASTAMATARAS (mothers). Color: blue or red.Attribute: a lamp.DISANIORIGIN Kafir [Afghanistan—southern Hindukush].Supreme fertility and mothergoddess.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP origins uncertainand still persisting in parts today.SYNONYMS Disni (Prasun region); Dizeile.CENTER(S) OF CULT throughout the Kafirregion, particularly at the village of Shtiwe(Prasun).

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