Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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DIANCECHT 77(night of frustration), who is also regarded asone of the personifications of the goddess Sakti.southwestern quarter. Color: reddish-blue.Attributes: banner with jewel.Dhumorna (smoke)<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). The consortof YAMA. Attribute: a pomegranate.DhumravatiTerrible goddess. Hindu (Puranic). Attributes: skullin the hand and garland of skulls, sword and tusks.Dhupa (incense)Mother goddess. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. Oneof the ASTAMATARA mothers. Color: yellow.Attribute: a censer.Dhupatara (incense-Tara)Minor goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). Color:black. Attribute: a censer.Dhurjati (with matted hair)<strong>God</strong>. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). A manifestationof ŠIVA in which his body is smeared with ash.Dhvajagrakeyura (ring on a banner)<strong>God</strong>dess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An emanation ofAKSOBHYA. She sits on a sun throne. Color: darkblue, black or yellow. Attributes: club, image ofAksobhya, noose, pestle, prayer wheel, staff,sword, tiger skin and trident. Three-headed andthree-eyed.Dhvajosnisa<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. An USNISA deity apparently connectedwith the guardian deities or dikpalas in theDhyanaparamita (perfection in meditation)Philosophical deity. Buddhist. A PARAMITA andspiritual offspring of RATNASAMBHAVA. Color:darkish sky blue. Attributes: banner with jewel,and white lotus.DhyanibuddhaGeneral name of a spiritual or meditation buddha.Buddhist (Vajrayana). An emanation of theADIBUDDHA and generally regarded as one of agroup of five representing the cosmic elements.The mystic counterpart of a human buddha.When the five are represented as a group, theircommon attribute is a staff on a lotus.DhyanibuddhasaktiCollective name for a group of goddesses. Buddhist.The five SAKTIS of the Dhyanibuddhas.Common attributes include a cup and knife.DianaMoon goddess. Roman. Living in the forests,she is a huntress and protector of animals, alsothe guardian of virginity. Generally modeled onthe Greek goddess ARTEMIS, she had a sanctuaryon the Aventine Hill in Rome and, underRoman rule, took over the Temple of Artemis atEphesus.DIANCECHTORIGIN Celtic (Irish). Physician god.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP prehistoric timesuntil Christianization circa AD 400.SYNONYMS none known.

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