Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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72 DanaparamitaDanaparamitaPhilosophical deity. Buddhist. One of twelvePARAMITA deities and a spiritual offspring of RAT-NASAMBHAVA. Color: reddish white. Attributes: anear of rice and a banner with pearl.DANU (1)ORIGIN Celtic (Irish). Founding goddess.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP prehistoric timesuntil after Christianization circa AD 400.SYNONYMS ANU; DON (Welsh).CENTER(S) OF CULT various sanctuaries.ART REFERENCES none known.LITERARY SOURCES Books of Invasions; Cycles ofKings; History of Races etc; Mabinogion (Welsh).Danu is the leader and progenitress of the Irishpantheon, the TUATHA DE DANANN. Otherwiseshe is a remote and barely defined figure. Sheequates closely with the Welsh goddess Don andmay have been perceived originally as a fertilityand vegetation spirit.Danu (2)Primordial goddess. Hindu (Vedic). The wordDanu is used to describe the primeval waters andthis deity is probably their embodiment. She isknown as the mother of the demonic personalityVRTRA, who engages in combat with, and isdefeated by, the rain god INDRA. In later Hinduismshe is perceived as a daughter of DAKSAand the consort of KASYAPA.DaphneOracular goddess. Greek. A number of oracularshrines were dedicated to her in various places inAsia Minor, including Antiocheia, Mopsuestia(Cilicia), Sura and Patara (Lycia), Telmessos(Caria). Represented by the laurel Daphne she islinked with the Daphnephoria festivals honoringAPOLLO. Tradition has it that she was changed intothe laurel to avoid sexual submission to the god.DaramulumCreator god. Australian aboriginal. Otherwiseknown as Gayandi he is the son of BAIAME andBIRRAHGNOOLOO and is worshiped principally bythe Wiradyuri and Kamilaroi groups of aboriginesin the southeast of Australia, who regard himas an intermediary between his father, thesupreme being, and the human race. To an extentthis role may have developed through Christianmissionary influence.DarawigalPersonification of evil. Australian aboriginal. Thisdemonic deity stands opposed to BAIAME, the creatorspirit who represents good in the world. Heis generally recognized as an offspring of Baiamewho once lived in the sky but fell from graceduring the Dreamtime and was sent to the underworldas its ruler. From there he now dispensesdeath and sickness.Datin<strong>God</strong>. Pre-Islamic northern Arabian. Frequentlymentioned in inscriptions, but of uncertainfunction.Daya (compassion)<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu (Puranic) A SAKTI of Acyuta(never falling), a minor aspect of the god VIŠNU.Decima<strong>God</strong>dess of birth. Roman. Generally linked withthe goddess NONA, she is responsible for watching

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