Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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68 Coca-MamaCoca-Mama<strong>God</strong>dess of the coca plant. South AmericanIndian [Peru]. Minor goddess who oversees theharvest of the coca crop. Models of the deity weremade from the leaves of the plant and kept for ayear before being burned in a ritual to ensure agood coca harvest.CocidiusHunting goddess. Celtic (British). NorthernBritish deity depicted in stone relief at Risingham(Yorkshire).Colop U Uichkin (tears out the eye of the sun)Sky god. Mayan (classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico].Said to live in the midst of the sky, but witha night avatara of the same name who lives in theunderworld land of the dead, Metnal, and who isthe bringer of disease.CondatisRiver god. Celtic (British). Northern British deitywith stone votive inscriptions located in CountyDurham.CocijoRain god. Zapotec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. Known to have been worshiped by theMonte Alban culture of Zapotec-speaking peoplesin the Valley of Oaxaca.Co(co)chimetl (soporific)Minor god of merchants and commerce. Aztec(classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico]. One of thedeities collectively classed as the YACATECUHTLIcomplex.Col (black one)Rain god. Nuer [Sudan]. He brings rainand thunderstorms. Souls of people killed bylightning have been described as colwic. AlsoChol.Colel Cab (mistress of the earth)Chthonic earth goddess. Mayan (classicalMesoamerican) [Mexico]. This may be anothertitle for the IX ZACAL NOK aspect of the goddessCHIBIRIAS.ContrebisLocal god. Romano-Celtic (British). Identifiedfrom an inscription at Lancaster in conjunctionwith another deity, IALONUS.Corus<strong>God</strong> of wind. Roman. Specifically the deityresponsible for the northwest winds.COVENTINAORIGIN Romano-Celtic (British). Tutelary andwater goddess of uncertain affinities.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 200 BC untilAD 500 or later.SYNONYMS none known.CENTER(S) OF CULT sacred spring near theRoman fort of Brocolitia [Carrawburgh] onHadrian’s Wall.ART REFERENCES monumental carvings and basreliefs.LITERARY SOURCES monumental inscriptions.Little is known of Coventina other than thatshe was a purely local British goddess of some

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