Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Chu Jung 65ChiccanRain gods. Mayan (Chorti, classical Mesoamerican)[eastern Guatemala]. Giant reptilian deitieswhose blood is cold and who evolved fromsnakes. They form a quartet, each living at thebottom of a deep lake situated in the four cardinaldirections. They are believed to churn thewaters which rise as clouds. The AH PATNARUINICOB gods then beat the rain from the cloudswith stone axes.ChicomecohuatlMaize goddess. Aztec and postclassical Mesoamerican.[Mexico]. Her festival was held in Septemberwhen a young girl was sacrificed havingtaken on the role of the deity for a period of timeduring the celebrations. She was decapitated on aheap of maize fruits and her blood was collectedin a large bowl before being poured over awooden figurine of the goddess. Finally the victim’sskin was flayed off and worn by a dancingpriest.See also XILONEN.Chiconahui Itzcuintli-Chantico<strong>God</strong> of lapidiaries. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico].ChikaraSky god. Korekore (Shona-speaking) [northernZimbabwe, southern Africa]. He has a son,NOSENGA.Chinnamastaka (decapitated)<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). A headlessform of DURGA. Also one of a group of tenMAHAVIDYAS, goddesses of great knowledgepersonifying the SAKTI of ŠIVA. She may bedepicted holding her head in her hands. Aspectsinclude VIRARATRI. Attributes: scimitar, skull.Also Chinnamasta.ChiukeSky god. Ibo [Nigeria, West Africa]. Regarded asa creator god.Chicomexochitl<strong>God</strong> of painters. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. Also described as a god of solar pleasure.ChiconahuiHearth goddess. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. A household guardian deity personifiedby hearth fires. One of the deities collectivelyclassed as the XIUHTECUHTLI complex.ChiconahuiehecatlMinor creator god. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. One of the deities collectivelyclassed as the QUETZALCOATL complex.ChorsSun god. Pre-Christian Slav [Balkans]. Identifiedfrom the Nestor Chronicle. Attributes includehorns and a canine head.Chos-Skyon (protector)Tutelary guardian deity. Buddhist-Lamaist[Tibet]. One of a group of gods of fearsomeappearance who wear royal apparel. Rides awhite elephant. Color: blue. Attributes: knife andnoose.Chu Jung<strong>God</strong> of fire. Chinese. Also the heavenly executioner.

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