Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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60 CandikaCandika (fierce)<strong>God</strong>dess of desire. Hindu (Epic and Puranic).May be included among the SAPTAMATARAS orASTAMATARAS (mothers).Candogra (fierce and terrible)<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). A distinctform of DURGA and one of a group of nineNAVADURGAS (“nine durgas”).Candra1. Planet god. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). Personifiedby the moon and also seen as a dikpalaor guardian of the northern direction. Consortsinclude KAUMUDI, TARA and the NAKSATRAS orastral goddesses. His son is BUDHA. He drives ina chariot drawn by ten white horses. Color:white. Attributes: club, lotus, sacred rope andprayer wheel. The term candra usually refers tothe cup containing the sacrificial yellow beverageSOMA, often a synonym for the deity. Candrais also the apotheosis of the pale yellow moondisc.2. Planet god. Buddhist. Attended by agoose. Color: white. Attributes: moon disc ona lotus.Candrasekhara (moon crested)Form of the god ŠIVA. Hindu (Puranic).Portrayed standing stiffly upright and wearingsnake jewelry with the moon on the leftside of his headdress. Attributes: ax and anantelope.Cao Guo-jiuImmortal being. Taoist (Chinese). One of the“eight immortals” of Taoist mythology, he wasonce a mortal being who achieved immortalitythrough his lifestyle. The tutelary god of actors.Attributes include musical rattles or castanets.See also BA XIAN.Carcika (repetitive chant)<strong>God</strong>dess. Buddhist (Mahayana). Color: red.Attributes: cup and knife.CariociecusWar god. Romano-Iberian. Syncretized with thegod MARS.CarmentesMinor goddess of birth. Roman. Responsible forbringing the newborn child into the light. Usuallyassociated with LUCINA and CANDELIFERA.CathuboduaWar goddess. Celtic (Continental European).Known only from inscriptions and probably comparablewith the Irish Celtic Badb Catha.See also MORRIGAN.Caturmurti<strong>God</strong>. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). The specificform of Višnu with four faces. Also the syncretizationof BRAHMA, VIŠNU, ŠIVA and Surya.Cankilikkaruppan (the black man of thechain)Local god. Hindu-Dravidian (Tamil). Worshipedin southern India.Cauri<strong>God</strong>dess of terrifying appearance. Buddhistand Lamaist [Tibet]. One of a group of eightGAURI goddesses. Color: yellow. Attribute: noose.

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