Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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6 CCacochCreator god. Mayan (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. According to tradition he engenderedthe water lily from which sprang all the otherdeities of the Mayan pantheon. He is also portrayedas a messenger of the creator god HACHA-CYUM. Also Kacoch.CaelestisMoon goddess. Carthaginian [North Africa]. TheRomanized form of the Punic goddess TANIT.Elsewhere she became syncretized into the cult ofAPHRODITE-VENUS. Annual games were held inher honor. She was brought to Rome in the formof an abstract block of stone (like that of KYBELEfrom Pessinus) and became popular there duringthe early part of the third century AD; in this guiseshe was known as the “mighty protectress of theTarpeian hill.”CagnCreator god. Kalahari bushmen [southern Africa].The progenitor of all life on earth.(Samhain). She brings the snow until the goddessBRIGIT deposes her and she eventually turns tostone on April 30 (Beltine). In later times themythical, witch-like figure of “Black Annis” probablyderived from her.Cakra (wheel)Embodiment of the creator’s mind. Hindu. Emergingin the form of a six-spoked wheel (less frequentlyeight) which also epitomizes the passage oftime, and is a symbol of wholeness and protection.Particularly associated with VIŠNU and KRSNA, thecakra is a common attribute held by many deities. Itis probably of great antiquity since it is known fromthe time of the Indus Valley civilization (prior to1700 BC). In Jainism and Buddhism it is the “wheelof the law” which leads to perfection.Cakresvari (lady of the cakra)<strong>God</strong>dess of learning. Jain [India]. One of sixteenVIDYADEVI headed by the goddess SARASVATI.Also one of the twenty-four SASANADEVATA ormessenger goddesses.Cailleach Bheur<strong>God</strong>dess of winter. Celtic (Scottish). Depicted asa blue-faced hag who is reborn on October 31Camaxtli<strong>God</strong>. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico].See also MIXCOATL-CAMAXTLI.58

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