Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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44 BagbaBagbaAnimistic spirit. West African. Fetish whoallegedly controls the wind and rain andwhose shaman keeps the winds locked in ahuge pot.Bagisht<strong>God</strong> of flood waters and prosperity. Kafir[Afghanistan]. The son of the supreme goddessDISANI, conceived when she was raped frombehind by an obscure demonic entity in the shapeof a ram who violated her while she was milkingcows by a lakeside. Bagisht is said to have beenborn in the current of the Prasun river whereuponthe turbulent waters became smooth-flowingand parted to allow the infant to reach thebank. There seem to have been no elaborate sanctuariesbut rather an abundance of simple shrinesalways placed close to water. The god was celebratedat the main festivals of the Kafir agriculturalyear and received sacrificial portions ofmeat. Also Opkulu.BagvartiTutelary goddess. Urartian [Armenia]. The consortof the creator god HALDI.BAIAMEORIGIN Australian aboriginal.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP from antiquity.SYNONYMS Biame, ByameeBaiame is a creator god, revered as the supremebeing and instrument of good, principally by theWiradyuri and Kamilaroi groups of aboriginesin the southeast of Australia. His chief consortis generally referred to as BIRRAHGNOOLOO. Hisvoice is represented when the “bull roarer”native instrument is swung and, according tomythology, he first created animals during theDreamtime and then gathered them all togetherin order to select various of their characteristics,which he incorporated into human beings.He fashioned two men and a woman fromthe red earth of Australia, showed them theplants that they could eat with safety and createdlaws for them to follow. He is the father ofDARAMULUM and is identified in the heavensby the Southern Cross. In other aboriginaltraditions he is known as Twanyrika.Bala (girl)1. Mother goddess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic).<strong>Of</strong> vague affinity but generally of youthfulappearance. Seated upon a lotus throne. Attributes:book and rosary.2. Messenger goddess. Jain [India]. One of thetwenty-four SASANADEVATAS.Balakrsna<strong>God</strong>. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). KRSNA in childform (see Krsna).Balam (jaguar)Guardian deities. Mayan (Yucatec, classicalMesoamerican) [Mexico]. Poorly defined spiritswho protect individuals in daily life. Four balamstand at the cardinal points around a village toguard against dangerous animals. They also protectthe four sides of a milpa (smallholding)against thieves.Balaparamita (perfection of strength)Philosophical deity. Buddhist. One of a groupof twelve PARAMITAS. Spiritual offspring ofRATNASAMBHAVA. Color: red. Attributes: bookand banner with jewel.

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