Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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40 Avetaand is said to live in the coconut of the world.After a temporary period existing low down inthe shell, he was assigned to the opening of theupper world, immediately above the home ofTinirau. Also Vatea; Wakea (Hawaiian).Aveta<strong>God</strong>dess of birth and midwifery. Romano-Celtic(Gallic). Known mainly from clay figurines foundat Toulon-sur-Allier, France. The models show thegoddess with infants at the breast and apparentlyshe is concerned especially with nursing mothers.The figure is often accompanied by a small lapdog.Avrikiti<strong>God</strong> of fishermen. Fon [Benin, West Africa]. Statuesof this deity, in a sitting position, were placedon the beaches and fishermen and local elderssacrificed to them annually to ensure a good seasonof catches.AwonawilonaCreator god. Pueblo Indian (Zuni) [Mesoamerica].The androgynous creator of heaven andearth and of all life, which he engendered by tossingpieces of his skin into the primeval ocean.Axo-Mama<strong>God</strong>dess of potato crops. South American Indian[Peru]. A model of this minor deity was made outof parts of the plant as a harvest fetish and kept fora year before being burned in a ritual to ensure agood potato harvest.AyaMother goddess. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian). Derived from the Sumerian model ofŠERIDA. Consort of the sun god ŠAMAŠ whosemarriage was celebrated at New Year in Babylon.AyabaHearth goddess. Fon [Benin, West Africa]. Thesister of LOKO, god of the trees, whose wood isburned in the home to cook food.Ayi’-Uru’n Toyo’n (lord bright creator)Creator spirit. Yakut [central Siberia].See also URU’N AJY TOYO’N.AyiyanayakaPlague god. Singhalese [Sri Lanka]. A deity offields and woodlands who is still revered as aguardian of crops and a protector against plague.Ayurvasita (control of life)Minor goddess. Buddhist. One of a group oftwelve VASITAS or goddesses personifying thedisciplines of spiritual regeneration. Color:whitish red. Attributes: image of Amidabuddhaand jewel.AyyappanLocal god of growth. Hindu. Particularly recognizedin the Kerala region.AzizosAstral tutelary god. Pre-Islamic northern Arabian.Locally worshiped at Palmyra, where hepersonifies the morning star, in company with hisbrother ARSU, who is the evening star. Associatedwith horses or camels. He was also venerated separatelyin Syria as god of the morning star, incompany with the astral god Monimos.

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