Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Arsay 29only from texts. The sun goddess was also perceivedto be a paramount chthonic or earth goddess.She becomes largely syncretized with theHurrian goddess HEBAT.ArnemetiaWater goddess. Romano-Celtic (British). A deityknown only from inscriptions.Aristaios<strong>God</strong> of herdsmen. Greek. The consort of Autonoe.<strong>Of</strong> ancient origin, worshiped by peasants asa guardian of herds and beekeepers. The cult continuedfor many centuries at Kyrene [Libya].Arjuna (silvery)Heroic god. Hindu (Vedic, Epic and Puranic).Arjuna appears in the Mahabharata epic. One ofthe princely sons of the mythical Pandu family,his father is INDRA. He generally appears with thewarrior god BHIMA. Allegedly responsible forrequesting VIŠNU to take his VISVARUPA form butalso identified as a minor incarnation or avatara ofVišnu. Attributes: usually depicted bearing a bowreceived from AGNI the fire god, but may alsoappear carrying a sword and shield. Also NARA.ArmaMinor moon god. Hittite and Hurrian. Depictedwinged and wearing a sickle moon surmountedon a horned helmet.ArmazSupreme god. Pre-Christian Georgian. Depictedas a warrior deity clad in golden armor, wearingjewels and wielding a sword.Arnakua’gsakAnimistic spirit. Inuit (North American). The“Old Woman of the Sea” who supplies allthe physical needs of the Eskimo from the ocean.AromMinor god of contractual agreements. Kafir[Afghanistan]. Arom appears to have been significantonly to a tribe known as the Kam in thesouthern Hindukush. He was honored by sacrificeof a male goat on the occasion of a peacetreaty, and had seven brothers.ARSAN DUOLAI (terrible dweller of theunderground world)ORIGIN Yakut [eastern Siberia]. Chief spirit ofthe underworld.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP prehistoric timesuntil circa AD 1900.SYNONYMS none.CENTER(S) OF CULT none.ART REFERENCES none positively identifiedthough possibly the subject of woodenicons.LITERARY SOURCES The Yakut (Jochelson).Little is known of this animistic god, though hewas considered to live in the lower world and ruleover a nebulous group of spirits, the Abasy. Tothese subterranean deities horned cattle wereslaughtered. Abasy also lived in the upper world,in which capacity they were recipients of horsesacrifice.ArsayChthonic underworld goddess. Western Semitic(Canaanite). According to epic creation texts, sheis the third daughter of BAAL at Ugarit (RasŠamra), possibly also equating with ALLATUM.

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