Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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26 Apsaraspython and the Olympic Cyclopes, but in bothcases himself became subject to general laws ofmorality and suffered temporary banishment.Apollo is strongly associated with the mystical numberseven (almost certainly a Mesopotamian concept).In Ugaritic inscriptions he is referred to asREŠEP of the Arrow (see Rešep). Apollo was widelyrevered under various local synonyms by the Celts.ApsarasWater spirits. Hindu (Vedic). Identified as musiciansand protective deities of gamblers bringinggood fortune. They may also bring insanity.AraloLocal god of agriculture. Pre-Christian Georgian.Probably derived from the Armenian godARAY.AranyaniMinor goddess of woodlands. Hindu (Vedic).Possibly having evolved from a primitive animisticguardian spirit of animals, Aranyani is anelusive, rarely seen, deity who is recognized inthe sounds of the trees, particularly at dusk. Sheis a benign figure, sweet-scented and unwilling todestroy unless severely provoked.Apsu<strong>God</strong> of underground primeval waters. Mesopotamian(Babylonian-Akkadian). Derived from theSumerian ABZU. In the Babylonian creation epicEnuma Eliš, Apsu is killed, while sleeping, byENKI, who establishes his own abode above thedeeps. Apsu’s death triggered the cosmic challengebetween the forces of MARDUK and TIAMAT.Arapacana<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. A BODHISATTVA or spiritualmeditation buddha. Originally a DHARANI ofMANJUSRI who became deified. Accompanied byfour minor deities. Also a collective name for thefive buddhas. Color: yellow or red. Attributes:standing wearing a monkish garment and carryingbook and sword.AquiloWeather god. Roman. <strong>God</strong> of the west winds.A’raLocal tutelary god. Pre-Islamic northern Arabian.Known from inscriptions at Bostra [near Damascus].The name implies an altar or holy place, butits Arabic root also means to dye, suggesting thatthe altars were stained with the blood of sacrifices,probably children.ArachneMinor goddess. Roman. Concerned with the craftof weaving.ArawaMoon goddess. Suk and Pokot [Kenya andUganda, East Africa]. The two tribes share thesame pantheon of deities. Arawa is the daughter ofthe creator god TORORUT and his consort SETA.ArawnChthonic underworld god. Celtic (Welsh). Theleader of the phantom hunt seen chasing a whitestag with a pack of red-eared hounds. Heequates with GWYNN AP NUDD, a similar deityknown in South Wales. His chief underworldopponent is Hafgan and he bribes PWYLL,prince of Dyfed, to challenge Hafgan inexchange for a gift of pigs.

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