Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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402 IndexHuehuecoyotl-Coyotlinahual130Huehuetotl 130Intal 139Itzcuintli 144Ixcozauhqui 145Ixtlilton 145Ometecuhtli 233Teteo Innan Teteo 310Xolotl 351Xolotl Nanahuatl 351Xochiquetzal 311, 350–351Xochiquetzal-Ichpuchtli351Xolotl 86, 351, 351Xolotl Nanahuatl 351YYacacoliuhqui 352Yacahuiztli 352, 356Yacapitzahuac 352Yacatecuhtli 68, 352, 352Ya’china’ut 352Yah 352Ya’halan 137, 307, 352Ya’halna’ut 352Yajna 352Yaksa 102Yaksas 353Yakut (Siberia) 9, 29, 328,329Yaldabaoth 33, 86, 89, 234,253, 269, 292, 353Yama 353Dhumorna 77Kala 152Nan-Sgrub 213Phyi-Sgrub 247Sanjna 274gSan Sgrub 273Saranyu 275Surya (1) 297Višnu 343Vivasvan 344Yamaduti 353Yamantaka 353Yamari 353Yamuna 354Yamaduti 353Yama-No-Kami 353Yamantaka 353Yamari 262, 353Yami 59, 275, 353, 353Yamm 162, 353yantra (geometric magicaldiagram) 45Yaro 354Yasodhara 56, 354Yauhqueme 354Yaw 354Ya’qhicnin 354Yayu 354Yeloje 354Yemekonji 354Yemoja 354Yen Kuang Niang Niang354Yggdrasil (world tree) 119Yhi 354–355Yhwh 355yi-dam god 273Yina’mna’ut 355, 355Yina’mtian 335, 355Yine’ane’ut 201, 303, 352,355–356Yng 97, 356Yoalli Ehecatli 356Yoaltecuhtf 356Yobin-Pogil 173, 356Yocahu 356Yogesvari 356Yogi 288Yolkai Estan 94, 356yoni 271, 288YorubaAge 7Ajalamo 10Aje 10Eshu 93–94Ifa 133–134Obatala 230Oduduwa 230–231Oko 232Olodumare 232Olokun 232Ori 234Orisanla 234Orunmila 235Osun 236Oya 238Sango 273Shango 282Shankpana 283Yemoja 354youth 118, 150, 180, 195Yspaddaden Pencawr 356Yu Huang Shang Ti 356Yu Shih 173, 356–357Yu-Chiang 357Yukaghir (southeasternSiberia) 173, 249Yum Cimil 357Yum Kaax 357Yu-ti 357ZZababa 358Zalmoxis 358Zapotlantenan 358Zara-Mama 358Zarpanitu(m) 49, 190, 209,358zbl (prince) 42Zemepatis 358Zemi(s) 56, 95, 358Zemyna 358–359Zephyrus 6, 96, 359Zethos 359, 359Zeus xi, 359–360Aeacos 5Anu (1) 22Aphrodite 24Apollo 25Ares 28Ariadne 28Artemis 30Asklepios 33Ate 35Athena 37Atropos 37Baal 42Baal Šamin 42Demeter 73Dike 78Dyaus Pitar 83Egeria 86Eileithyia 87Eirene 87Eunomia 94Hebe 118Hekate 119Helen 119, 120Hera 121Herakles 121Hermes 122Jupiter 150Klotho 162Kouretes 162Kronos 163Kybele 169Lachesis 170Leto 174Maia 185Marnas 191Metis 197Minerva 200Mnemosyne 201Moirai 202Nemesis 217Okeanos 232Papas 242Persephone 246Plutos 248Poseidon 250Posis Das 250Prometheus 253Rhea 266Sabazios 269Sarapis 275Semele 280Themis 312Titans 316Tyche 325Yhwh 355Zhang Guo-Lao 360Zhiwud 360Zhong-Li Kuan 41, 360Zibelthiurdos 360Zipakna 151, 360Zoe 360Zoroastrianism viii, 9–10,20, 200. See also PersiaZotz 360Zurvan 360

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