Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Aparajita 23Anu-Mate<strong>God</strong> of space. Polynesian. One of the sons ofRANGINUI by Pokoharua, the sister of TANGAROA,the sea god. He belongs to a group of deitiesengendered at the time of creation that includesANU-MATE, Anu-Matao, Anu-Whakarere andAnu-Whakatoro, all of whom rule over differentaspects of space above the upper world. Anu-Mate is perceived as the god responsible for the“space of cold death” and in fact all of the groupare envisaged as deities ruling over realms of greatcold.AnunituMother goddess. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian).See also ANTU.sends the sun each morning, roars with the thunderwhich heralds his storms and is the creator ofthe earth.ApaAttendant god. Hindu (Puranic). One of a groupof eight VASU deities answering to the god INDRA.Attributes: hook and plough.ApacitaGuardian spirit. Inca (pre-Columbian SouthAmerica) [Peru, etc]. The apotheosis of a pile ofstones marking the top of a pass or some othercritical point on a route invoked by travelerswith small offerings to strengthen them on theirjourney.AnunnakiChildren and courtiers of the god of heaven.Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian).Known from at least 2500 BC until circa 200BC (in Babylon). The Anunnaki originate aschthonic fertility deities but later feature as theseven fearsome judges of the underworld whoanswer to Kur and EREŠKIGAL and who areresponsible for passing sentences of death includingthat placed on the goddess INANA. They areoften closely identified with the IGIGI.AnuradhaMinor goddess of fortune. Hindu (Puranic). Abenevolent NAKSATRA or astral deity, daughter ofDAKSA and wife of CANDRA (SOMA).AondoCreator god. Tiv [central Nigeria, West Africa].An abstract principle who lives in the sky. HeApam Napat (grandchild of the water)1. <strong>God</strong> of fresh water. Persian [Iran]. He provideswater in arid regions and suppresses rebellions.2. <strong>God</strong> of fresh water. Hindu (Vedic). Mentionedin the Rg Veda, he is described as “golden inappearance.”ApapCreator god. Teso [Uganda, East Africa].Regarded as a benevolent sky god who brings therain to parched land. Also Akuj.Aparajita (unconquered)1. <strong>God</strong>. Hindu (Puranic). One of the elevenEKADASARUDRAS or forms of RUDRA. Attributes:bell, bowl, club, drum, hook, lance, lotus, prayerwheel, rod, rosary, shield, sword and trident.2. Minor god. Buddhist (Mahayana).3. <strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu (Puranic). Form of DURGA.Her attendant animal is a lion. Attributes:

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