Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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366 BibliographyTaoist and early ChineseChamberlain, J. Chinese <strong>God</strong>s. Princeton, N.J.: PrincetonUniversity Press, 1983.———. Chinese Religions. Princeton, N.J.: PrincetonUniversity Press, 1986.Cheng Manchao. The Origin of Chinese Deities. SolanaBeach, Australia: Acacia, 1997.Day, C. B. Chinese Peasant Cults. Shanghai: Kelly andWalsh, 1940.Fisher, L. E. The <strong>God</strong>s and <strong>God</strong>desses of Ancient China.New York: Holiday House, 2003.Hanson, Valerie. Changing <strong>God</strong>s in Medieval China1127–1276. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UniversityPress, 1990.Joachim, C. Chinese Religions. Englewood Cliffs, NewJersey: Prentice Hall, 1986.Jordan, Michael. Spirit of the East (new edition). London:Carlton, 2003.Legge, James. The Religions of China. London: R. West,1880.Legge, James (transl.). I Ching: Book of Changes. Secaucus,N.J.: Citadel, 1964.O’Brien, Joanne. Chinese Myths and Legends. London:Arrow, 1990.Schwartz, Benjamin I. The World of Thought in AncientChina. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1985.Scott Littleton, C. (ed.) Eastern Wisdom. New York:Henry Holt, 1996.Stephens, K. G. Chinese Mythological <strong>God</strong>s. Oxford,U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2001.Walters, D. Chinese Mythology. London: Aquarian/Thorsons, 1992.Wong, Eva. Taoism. Boston: Shambhala, 1997.Zen BuddhistDumoulin, H. Zen Enlightenment. New York: Weatherhill,1979.Jordan, Michael. Spirit of the East (new edition). London:Carlton, 2003.———. Buddha: His Life in Images. London: Carlton,2003.Watts, Alan W. The Way of Zen. London: Vintage, 1999.General referenceBickerman, E. J. Chronology of the Ancient World (revisededition). London: Thames & Hudson, 1980.Brandon, S. G. F. (ed.). <strong>Dictionary</strong> of Comparative Religion.Princeton, N.J.: Scribner, 1970.Frazer, J. G. The Golden Bough: a Study in Magic andReligion (abridged edition). London: Papermac,1988.Grimal, Pierre. <strong>Dictionary</strong> of Classical Mythology. London:Blackwell, 1990.Hinnells, J. R. <strong>Dictionary</strong> of Religions. London: Penguin1984.Jordan, Michael. Myths of the World (paperback edition).London: Kyle Cathie, 1995.Keenan, Sheila. <strong>God</strong>s, <strong>God</strong>desses and Monsters. Danbury,Conn.: Scholastic Reference, 2000.Lurker, Manfred. <strong>Dictionary</strong> of <strong>God</strong>s and <strong>God</strong>desses, Devilsand Demons. London & New York: Routledge,1989.Maxwell, T. S. The <strong>God</strong>s of Asia. Oxford, U.K.: OxfordUniversity Press, 1997.

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