Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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360 Zhang Guo-laoand AMPHION, HELEN and MINOS. He was alsosuspected of homosexuality with the young TrojanGanymede.ZibelthiurdosStorm god. Thracian. Believed to send thunderand lightning.Zhang Guo-lao<strong>God</strong>. Taoist (Chinese). One of the “eight immortals”of Taoist mythology. Once mortal beings,they achieved immortality through their lifestyle.According to tradition, Zhang Guo-lao was a batbefore he took human form. Attributes include abamboo drum and sticks and his attendant animalis an ass.See also BA XIAN.ZhiwudMessenger goddess. Kafir [Afghanistan]. A deityconnected and possibly syncretizing with the goddessDISANI but who, according to legend, carriedvital messages to the heroic god MON during aprimordial battle between gods and giants. Monlives by a lake surrounded by fire, and the goddess’swings (a solitary inference that she canappear in the form of a bird) are scorched in theprocess until Mon heals them. In some variationsMon lives in the form of a bull which breathesfire. Also Zhuwut.Zhong-li Quan<strong>God</strong>. Taoist (Chinese). One of the “eight immortals”of Taoist mythology. Once mortal beings,they achieved immortality through their lifestyle.Attributes include a fan.See also BA XIAN.ZipaknaEarthquake god. Mayan (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. Usually coupled with the godKABRAKAN and identified as a creator of mountainswhich Kabrakan subsequently destroys.Zoe (life)<strong>God</strong>dess of life. Greek and Gnostic Christian.The daughter of PISTIS SOPHIA who, according toGnostic mythology, became the consort ofSABAOTH to create the angels, Israel and JesusChrist.ZotzTutelary god. Mayan (Zotzil Indian, Mesoamerican)[Guatemala]. Manifest in the form of a bat.Zurvan<strong>God</strong> of temporal time and fate. Persian [Iran].Once the focus of a cult of Zervanism in whichhe appeared as the father of AHURA MAZDA, thegod of light, and AHRIMAN, god of darkness, inZoroastrianism. He is perceived as a god of destinyand the controller of all roads whichmankind may take, leading ultimately to theotherworld. He was adopted into Manichaeanreligion. Also Zervan.

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