Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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356 Yngregarded as a shamanka engaged in a constantstruggle with the underworld demons, the kalau.Her sister is Cana’ina’ut and she is the consort ofthe earth spirit TANUTA.YngCreator god. Nordic (Icelandic). Progenitor ofthe earliest Swedish kings. Also, in Germanic tradition,ING, the father of the Baltic coastal tribe,the Ingwaeones.Yoalli Ehecatli (night wind)Creator god. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. One of the group classed as the Omeotlcomplex.Yoaltecuhtf (lord of night)Creator god. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. With his consort YACAHUIZTLI heengendered the night in Aztec cosmogony.The ruler of the sixth of the thirteen heavensknown at the time of the Spanish conquest,Teotlcozauhcan (the place of the yellow god).One of the group classed as the MICTLANTE-CUHTLI complex.Yobin-PogilForest spirit. Yukaghir [southeastern Siberia].The apotheosis of the woodlands and theirguardian deity.YocahuTutelary god. Puerto Rico and Haiti. A benevolentdeity, the son of the universal mother,and known as the “great spirit.” Believed tolive in the sun. Also Marcoti; Jocakuvague-Maorocon.YogesvariMother goddess. Buddhist (Epic and Puranic).Personifying desire and listed among both theSAPTAMATARAS and the ASTAMATARAS. Attributes:bell, club, drum, shield, sword and trident.Yolkai EstanFertility goddess. Navaho [USA]. The sister ofthe principal fertility goddess, ESTSANATLEHI, shewas engendered by the gods, who gave life to animage made from white shells.Yspaddaden Pencawr<strong>God</strong>. Celtic (Welsh). Possibly the counterpart ofthe Irish deity Balor and the Icelandic BALDER. Inthe legend of Culhwch and Olwen, Olwen is identifiedas his daughter. He sets Culhwch severaldifficult tasks before he can obtain Olwen’s hand.Culhwch retaliates by wounding him severely, buthe cannot be killed until Olwen marries. This ispresumably a distorted fertility legend, the originalmeaning of which is lost.Yu Huang Shang TiSupreme god. Taoist (Chinese). He achievedparamount prominence during the Sung Dynastyand the Jade Emperor is his earthly, mortal incarnation.As a deity he is remote and out of touchwith ordinary people. No iconography is appliedto him and he has no physical description. Heengendered the universe from chaos and is theunifying principle of the cosmos which is perceivedto be divided into thirty-six heavens abovethe earth. Also SHANG TI; Shang Di.Yu ShihRain god. Taoist (Chinese). The so-called “masterof the rain,” he provides rain to ripen the harvest.

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