Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Yine’ane’ut 355ble, with BAIAME, for the creation of humankindand in particular for the Karraur group of aborigines.Mythology records that she was asleep inthe darkness of the primordial Dreamtime untilshe was awakened by a loud roaring or whistlingnoise from Baiame. As she opened her eyes theworld became light and as she walked the earthplants grew in her footprints, to be followed byanimals and, finally, humankind.YHWH (I am what I am)ORIGIN Judaic [Israel]. Creator god.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 1200 BC untilpresent day.SYNONYMS Yahweh; JEHOVAH.CENTER(S) OF CULT Hebron, Jerusalem until 587BC but subsequently throughout the Christianworld.ART REFERENCES none extant.LITERARY SOURCES Vetus Testamentum; Qum’Ran manuscripts.The creator god of the southern tribes of Israelheaded by Levi and Benjamin. Possibly a copy ofthe Egyptian deity ATUM (ATEN), introduced bythe pharaoh Amenhotep IV in the fifteenth centuryBC. The object of monolatrous but not necessarilymonotheistic worship by the Hebrewsettlers in Palestine. Arguably the first survivingconcept of a truly universal deity.Yhwh is the god who, according to tradition,was revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai (MountHoreb) and who provided the Covenant, theten tablets of law. He is said to sit in judgmentbetween two facing cherubim on the MercySeat which rested above the focal point ofIsraelite worship, the Ark of the Covenant (VTExodus 25). Yhwh eventually superseded thenorthern god, EL, to become supreme deity ofIsrael. During the period of Hellenic occupation,the sanctuary of Yhwh on Mount Gerizimin Samaria (northern kingdom) was re-dedicatedto ZEUS.The name Yhwh is an enigmatic “no name.” Itsurvived into Christian religion, though it appearsregularly only in the Jerusalem Bible. Elsewhere,in English translation, it is now generally replacedby the term “Lord.” “Jehovah” is a corruptionintroduced circa AD 1200-1300.The Old Testament writings, particularly thePsalms, are littered with references indicatingacceptance of many gods in the pantheon. Translatorshave substituted euphemisms such as“saints” and “holy men.”Although Yhwh is perceived in human form, hewas not represented other than in romanticizedChristian art. His presence is identified in Jewishtradition only by the empty space of the MercySeat. He is wholly transcendent, without physicalneeds, and, according to Judao-Christian tradition,has no consort. This universal deity becameknown as ALLAH in Islamic tradition.Yina’mna’ut (fog woman)Spirit of mists and fogs. Yakut [southeasternSiberia]. Her consort is fog man YINA’MTIAN andshe is believed to live in a mythical settlementwith other spirits.Yina’mtian (fog man)Spirit of mists and fogs. Yakut [southeasternSiberia]. His consort is fog woman YINA’MNA’UTand he is believed to live in a mythical settlementwith other spirits.Yine’ane’utGuardian spirit. Koryak [southeastern Siberia].One of the daughters of Big Raven, QUIKINN.A’QU,

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