Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Yamm 353YaksasTree spirits. Hindu. Generic title for animisticbeings mentioned circa fifth century BC byPanini.YamadutiMessenger goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). Anattendant of YAMA. Her vehicle is a buffalo. Color:blue. Attributes: cup, fly whisk, knife and lotus.YaldabaothCreator <strong>God</strong>. Gnostic Christian. The so-called“prime parent” of Gnostic cosmogony, engenderedby PISTIS SOPHIA out of the nothingness ofchaos, provided with form and given charge overthe substance of the cosmos.Yaldabaoth is, at first, unaware of the existenceof Pistis Sophia and, by his own powers, engendersseven androgynous beings, placing them inseven heavens. He decrees himself alone and allpowerful,whereupon Pistis Sophia names himSAMAEL (blind god). <strong>Of</strong> his offspring, the mostsignificant is SABAOTH, who stands against hisfather and on the side of Pistis Sophia. When sheeventually reveals herself to Yaldabaoth as pureradiant light, he is humbled.Yama (twin; alternatively the restrainer)1. <strong>God</strong> of death. Hindu (Vedic). The son ofVavasvan and Saranju, or of SURYA and SANJNA,his consort is DHUMORNA or YAMI. Yama is alsothe judge of the dead and the twin sibling of Yami,goddess of death.When KRSNA is perceived as the embodimentof the cosmos, his eye-teeth are Yama. He evolvedinto a dikpala or guardian of the southerly direction.His animal is a black buffalo. Color: black.2. Guardian deity. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet].One of a group of DHARMAPALA with terribleappearance and royal attire who guard the DalaiLama. He stands upon a man. His colors may bered, blue, white or yellow. His attributes aremost commonly a noose and staff, but may alsobe a club, a net, a shield, a sword, a trident andtwo tusks.Yama-No-KamiMountain god. Shinto [Japan]. Specifically thedeity who comes down to the rice paddies inspring and returns in autumn. The festival of Nolde-No-Shinjimarks his descent.Yamantaka (destroyer of Yama)Guardian deity. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. Anemanation of AKSOBHYA and one of a group ofDHARMAPALA with terrible appearance and royalattire who guard the Dalai Lama. By tradition hestifled the great rage of YAMA. His SAKTI isVidyadhara. He is also a dikpala or guardian of theeasterly direction. He tramples a number of creaturesincluding a man, and possesses thirty-twoarms and sixteen legs. Color: red, blue, black orwhite. Attributes: many.Yamari (enemy of Yama)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist (Vajrayana). Probably influencedby the Hindu deities ŠIVA and YAMA. His vehicleis a buffalo, his color red and his attributes a club,a cup, a noose and a staff.YamiMother goddess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). Oneof seven SAKTIS who in later Hinduism becameregarded as of evil intent. Also CAMUNDA.Yamm<strong>God</strong> of the ocean. Semitic. A Syrian deity who ismentioned briefly in an Egyptian papyrus as anextortioner of tribute from other deities.

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