Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Wu’squus 349human sacrifices who had been hanged, strangledor had their throats cut, was also thrown intosacred lakes as sacrifices for Wodan.The classical writers substituted the name ofthe Roman god Mercury, thus the same day of theweek is called Wednesday in English but mercrediin French. Many Anglo-Saxon kings traced theirroyal lineage back to Wodan as divine ancestor.WuSea god. Ewe [Benin, West Africa]. His priest,the Wu-no, invokes the god whenever theweather is too severe for the fishing boats to land.He is propitiated with offerings delivered fromthe shore and in past times was occasionallyappeased with human sacrifice taken out to seaand thrown overboard.Wong Taisin (the great immortal Wong)<strong>God</strong>. Chinese. Probably an incarnation oravatara of the god HUANG TI (the yellowemperor), he is considered benevolent. Closelyassociated with a district in Kowloon which isnamed after him. His cult arrived in Hong Kongin 1915 from Kwangtung in the form of a paintingbrought by a man and his son. It was installedin a small temple in Wanchai. In 1921 a largersanctuary was built, from public funds, facing thesea and backed by Lion Rock.WosretLocalized guardian goddess. Egyptian. With acult center at Thebes, Wosret is, according tosome inferences, an early consort of the creatorgod AMUN and was superseded by MUT. She isidentified with the protection of the young godHORUS. Also Wosyet.WuriupraniliSun goddess. Australian aboriginal. The positionof Wuriupranili in the godly hierarchy isunclear, but mythology explains that she carriesa burning torch made from tree bark andthat she travels from east to west each daybefore descending to the western sea and usingthe embers to light her way through the underworldbeneath the earth. The colors of thesunrise and sunset are said to be a reflection ofthe red ocher body paints with which she adornsherself.Wu’squusSpirit of darkness. Chukchee [eastern Siberia].The personification of the night and the siblingof NA’CHITNA’IRGIN, the spirit of the left-handdawn.

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