Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Vimala 341VidyadeviGeneric title for a group of goddesses. Jain[India]. Sixteen deities led by SARASVATI who areassociated with knowledge or learning.Vidyapati-Lokesvara<strong>God</strong>. (Buddhist). A variety of the BODHISATTVAAVALOKITESVARA. Depicted resting on a lotus, hisattributes include a fly-whisk.VidyesvaraGeneric title for a group of deities. Hindu. Eightliberated or emancipated “beings” who are consideredto be aspects of ŠIVA.VidyrajaTutelary god. Buddhist (Mahayana). One of severaldeities who are concerned with the implementationof the law.Vidyujjvalakarili (tongues of fire)<strong>God</strong>dess. Buddhist. A twelve-headed form ofAkajata who is said to have been formed in theBUDDHA’s sweat. She is often depicted tramplingthe four Hindu deities BRAHMA, INDRA, ŠIVA andVIŠNU. Color: blue or black. Attributes: manyand varied.Vidyutkumara<strong>God</strong>. Jain [India]. Belonging to one of the groupsunder the general title of BHVANAVASI (dwelling inplaces). <strong>Of</strong> youthful appearance.Vighnantaka (remover of obstacles)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist (Mahayana). An emanation ofAKSOBHYA who may equate with the Hindu godGANESA. Color: blue. He is also seen as a dikpalaor guardian of the northerly direction, in whichcase his color is green. Attributes: cup, drum,hook, knife, noose and staff. Three-headed. AlsoAnalarka.VighnesvaranugramurtiFamily of deities. Hindu (Puranic). A populardepiction in art of ŠIVA (colored black) and Parvatiwith their son GANESA after he has beendecapitated by his father and given the head of anelephant by way of replacement.Vijaya (victory)<strong>God</strong>. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). An EKADASARU-DRA (one of the eleven RUDRA deities).Hiranyaksa is considered one of his incarnations.Attributes: club, knife, rosary and staff. Vijaya isalso the name of the bow of INDRA.Vikalaratri (twilight night)Minor goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An attendantof BUDDHAKAPALA.Vili<strong>God</strong>. Nordic (Icelandic). Listed by Snorri in ProseEdda as one of the sons of Bori and, among thegods of Asgard, the brother of OTHIN and VE.The three gods are said to have made the land andsea out of the flesh and blood of the primevalgiant Ymir.See also BURI.Vimala (stainless)Minor goddess. Buddhist (Vajrayana). One of severaldeified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritualspheres through which a disciple passes.Color: white. Attributes: lotus and staff.

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