Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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338 VasudharaVasudhara (treasurer)1. Fertility goddess. Hindu (Epic andPuranic). The SAKTI of Kuvera.See also KUBERA.2. <strong>God</strong>dess. Buddhist. A female bodhisattva orbuddha-designate who is the Sakti of Vajrasattvaand a form of AKSOBHYA or RATNASAMBHAVA.Color: yellow. Attributes: book, ear of rice,images of Aksobhya and Ratnasambhava on thecrown, parasol, pearl and waterjar with jewels.Vasumatisri (beautiful with an excellent mind)Minor goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An attendantof VASUDHARA.Vasusri (beautiful one)Minor goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An attendantof VASUDHARA.Vasya-tara (the subjected Tara)<strong>God</strong>dess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An emanation ofAMOGHASIDDHI and considered to be indistinguishablefrom ARYA-TARA. Color: green. Attributes:blue lotus and image of Amoghasiddhi onthe crown.Vata<strong>God</strong> of wind. Hindu (Vedic) and Persian [Iran].The name appears in the Rg Veda as a deity of violentpersonality. According to Asvestan traditionthe god of victory, VERETHRAGNA, appeared toZarathustra in the guise of Vata.Vatapattrasayin (reclining on a fig leaf)Aspect of VIŠNU. Hindu (Puranic). The image isfound in classical bronze sculptures and representseither Višnu in a violent form, or KRSNA,reposed on a fig leaf that floats upon the primevalocean of a new cosmos after the previous worldorder has been destroyed.VAYU (1) (the wind)ORIGIN Hindu [India]. <strong>God</strong> of the winds.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 1700 BC topresent.SYNONYMS PAVANA.CENTER(S) OF CULT none specific.ART REFERENCES sculptures and carvings inmetal and stone.LITERARY SOURCES the Vedic texts, including RgVeda.One of the most important deities of the Vedas. Inlater Hinduism he evolves into a dikpala orguardian of the northwestern quarter. He is alsodepicted in some texts as a chariot-driver for thegod AGNI. Color: dark blue. Attributes: arrow,hook, prayer wheel, staff and waterjar.Vayu (2)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. A dikpala or guardian of thenorthwestern quarter.Vayukumara<strong>God</strong>. Jain [India]. One of the groups under thegeneral title of BHVANAVASI (dwelling in places). <strong>Of</strong>youthful appearance.Ve<strong>God</strong>. Nordic (Icelandic). Listed by Snorri in theProse Edda as one of the sons of Bori and, amongthe gods of Asgard, the brother of OTHIN andVILI. The three gods are said to have made theland and sea out of the flesh and blood of theprimeval giant Ymir.See also BURI.

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