Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Vasudeva 337in southern India, rank higher than the SAPTA-MATARAS. She sits upon a boar, buffalo or elephant.Attributes: boar’s head, bow, club, cup,knife, noose, plough, sword and trident.Varahmukhi (having a boars head)Minor goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An attendantof MARICI. Attributes: arrow, bow, flowerand staff.VaraliMinor goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An attendanton MARICI. Color: white. Attributes: flower,needle, noose and staff.Varuna is one of the major Vedic gods, concernedwith the secure operation of the world’s systemsand of water. Lord of the ASURA class of deities, heis thought to equate with the Persian deity AhuraMAZDA. In later times, a dikpala or guardian of thewestern direction. He is also regarded as anADITYA or sun god, the son of Kardama and consortof GAURI.In southern India he is still worshiped duringperiods of drought, particularly in coastal regionswhere he is thought to live in trees.In Vedic times his sacred animal was the ram. Herides upon a fish or sea monster, or in a chariotdrawn by seven horses. Attributes: conch, lotus,parasol, sacred thread, snake noose, trident andwater jar with jewels. Pot-bellied and four-headed.Vari-Ma-Te-Takere (the very beginning)Mother goddess. Polynesian [Hervey Islands].The creator being who lives at the very bottom ofthe world coconut, sitting in a cramped spacewith her knees and chin touching. She lives inTe-Enua-Te-Ki (mute land) in eternal silence andis the mother of six children, all deities, three ofwhich she plucked from her right side and threefrom her left.See also AVATEA, TINIRAU, TANGO, TUMU-TEANAOA, RAKA and TU-METUA.Vasantadevi<strong>God</strong>dess of spring. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet].Particularly known from Tibet, where sheappears in the retinue of SRIDEVI. Her animal is amule. Attributes: cup and sword.Vasita (willpower)Generic title for a group of goddesses. Hindu.Twelve deities who personify the disciplineswhich result in spiritual regeneration.VARUNA(coverer)ORIGIN Hindu (Vedic, Puranic and early Tamil)[India]. Major guardian deity.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 1700 BC untilpresent.SYNONYMS none.CENTER(S) OF CULT throughout India but as arain god in the south.ART REFERENCES sculptures and reliefs in metaland stone.LITERARY SOURCES Rg Veda, etc.Vasu(s) (excellent)Generic title for a group of gods. Hindu (Vedic).Eight deities attendant on the Vedic weather godINDRA, comprising day, dawn, fire, moon, polestar, sun, water and wind. Generally carrying arosary and with a SAKTI.Vasudeva<strong>God</strong>. Hindu. The princely father of KRSNA andBALARAMA. Consorts include DEVAKI, ROHINI, etc.

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