Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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VAIROCANA 333VahguruCreator god. Sikh. Worshiped in the GoldenTemple of Amritsar, in northern India. He has noicons.VaikunthaAspect of VIŠNU. Hindu (Puranic). Višnu isdepicted under this title residing in his ownheaven, known as Vaikuntha. He is seen with fourheads in an attribute known as caturmukha,where the central head is human, that to the leftis Sakti, to the right NARASINHA, and facingbehind, VARAHA. As such Višnu’s vehicle is eitherthe mythical bird, GARUDA, or he reposes on theserpent ANANTA (SESA). The aspect may also beknown as Trailokyamohana.VaimanikaGeneric title for a group of deities. Jain [India]. Aclass of gods said to be borne by, or living within,a flying palace, the vimana.VAIRACOCHAORIGIN Inca [Peru]. Creator god.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa AD 400 tocirca AD 1500.SYNONYMS Huiracocha; Viracocha.CENTER(S) OF CULT CuzcoART REFERENCES various sculptures in stone andprecious metals and carvings (all lost).LITERARY SOURCES none.The creator of all other supernatural beings andof men and animals, Vairacocha is perceived torule the heavens in the fashion of an Incaemperor. He is the source of all divine power, butnot immediately concerned with administrationof the world and appears only in times of crisis.He is also depicted as a heroic figure who oncetraveled the world teaching mankind various artsand crafts. He is said to have crossed the PacificOcean walking upon the water.In the chief sanctuary at Cuzco the deities ofthe pantheon were represented in gold statues,that of Vairacocha being the most important. Itis described as having been the size of a smallboy, right hand upraised with fist clenched, butwith the thumb and forefinger stretched out. Hisfull Inca name, contracted by the Spanishinvaders, is Ilya-Tiqsi Wiraqoca Pacayacaciq(ancient foundation, lord, instructor of theworld). The title Vairacocha has been used bySouth American Indians into recent times toaddress white people.Va’irgin (I exist)Supreme being. Chukchee [eastern Siberia]. Aremote and poorly defined character who livesin the zenith of the sky and who createdthe world. Comparable with the Koryak deityTENANTO’MWAN.VAIROCANA (coming from the sun)ORIGIN Buddhist [India]. The first and oldestdhyanibuddha or meditation buddha.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 500 BC topresent.SYNONYMS Buddhaheruka.CENTER(S) OF CULT pan-Asiatic.ART REFERENCES metal and stone sculptures,paintings.LITERARY SOURCES Sadhanamala and Tantricritual texts.One of five mystic spiritual counterparts of ahuman buddha in Vajrayana Buddhism. A productof the ADIBUDDHA who represents the

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