Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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328 ULLULL [Gothic] (glory)ORIGIN Nordic (Icelandic) and Germanic. Mayhave originated as an early northern Germansky god, but also connected with fertility andwith the sea.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP prehistoric timesuntil Christianization circa AD 1100.SYNONYMS Ullr.CENTER(S) OF CULTnone known, but severalplace names in Norway and Sweden allude.ART REFERENCES possibly the subject of anonymouscarvings.LITERARY SOURCES Icelandic codices; Prose Edda(Snorri); Historia Danica (Saxo); place names.A sky god of Asgard, but with some links to theVANIR gods. The son of SIF and stepson of THOR,he is responsible for justice, and oaths were oncesworn over the “ring of Ull.” He may also have arole in the fertility of crops. Skaldic verse mentionsthe “ship of Ull,” presumed to be a referenceto the use of Ull’s shield as a boat. A scabbardexcavated in Denmark in the third century ADbears a runic inscription “servant of Ull.” Accordingto Snorri he wears a bow and snow shoes.Saxo describes him crossing the sea on a magicbone—a ski? He may have a sister, Ullin.ULU’TUYAR ULU TOYO’N (titularhorrible lord)ORIGIN Yakut [central Siberia]. Malevolentcreator spirit.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP prehistoric timesuntil circa AD 1900.SYNONYMS none.CENTER(S) OF CULT no fixed sanctuaries.ART REFERENCES possibly wood carvings.LITERARY SOURCES The Yakut (Jochelson).A creative being superintending the ICCI (mastersor owners) and generally seen in a destructivecapacity. He lives in the upper world, and “in thewest.”See also URU’N AJY TOYO’N.UmaA form of the goddess PARVATI. Hindu (Puranic).Uma is identified as the consort of Chandrashekhara,a form of ŠIVA which includesthe moon among his attributes. The meaning ofher name is unclear, but possibly has maternalconnotations. As Uma Maheshvara she foughtwith demons including Mahisha. Attributes:lotus, mirror, rosary and waterjar.See also SOMASKANDA.Umashi-Ashi-Kabi-Hiko-Ji-No-Kami(pleasant reed shoot prince elder deity)Creator being. Shinto [Japan]. The fourth of thedeities to be listed in the Kojiki sacred text. He wasengendered from the reeds floating on the primordialwaters and is perceived as a remote andvague figure who hides himself from mankind.UmvelinkwangiCreator god. Zulu [South Africa]. He engenderedall plants and animals on earth and is the father ofthe god UNKULUNKULU, who was born from areed and engendered mankind.UniTutelary goddess. Etruscan. The consort of thesky god TIN and linked with the region of Perugia.UnkulunkuluCreator god. Zulu [South Africa]. The androgynousson/daughter of UMVELINKWANGI, and theprogenitor of mankind, he was born from a reed.

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