Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Tu (2) 323parts of the world—heaven, air and earth. HisSAKTI is SANTI. Normally depicted with the leftleg raised. Attributes: arrow, bow, club, conch,knife, lotus, noose, plough, prayer wheel, staffand sword.TrograinMinor god. Celtic (Irish).Tsai Shen<strong>God</strong> of wealth. Chinese. The deity associatedwith mandarins. He is depicted wearing a pinkrobe associated with Yin and the season of spring.His attributes include a ring of coins around thehem of the robe, a lotus motif of fertility on thebreast and a golden mushroom, a symbol oflongevity, carried in the hand. One of his attendantscarries a deer horn, symbol of potency,while the other carries a bowl of money and asheaf of golden grass.Tsai Shen may appear in company with FUSHEN, god of luck, and SHOU LAO, god oflongevity.Tsa’qamae<strong>God</strong> of salmon migration. Qwe’gsotenox Indian[British Columbia, Canada]. The so-called “headwinter dancer,” his attributes include head ringand neck ring of bark to which heads areattached.Tsohanoai (day bearer)Sun god. Navaho [USA]. Not regarded as asupreme god, Tsohanoai moves across the sky,invisible, behind the disc of the sun, sa, which is hisshield. His consort is the fertility goddess EST-SANATLEHI and he is the father of the wargod NAYENEZGANI. He is also attributed with thecreation of all the big game animals. He is thoughtto walk on a rainbow and ride a blue steed. He isnever depicted in art nor impersonated.Tsuki-YomiMoon god. Shinto [Japan]. Engendered from theright eye of IZANAGI immediately after AMAT-ERASU was engendered from the left. There isvery little reference to him in the sacred texts andhis is a highly aesthetic form of worship. Allegedlyhe slew the food KAMI Uke-Mochi. He is depictedriding a horse and a number of sanctuaries areaddressed to his cult, including the two Tsuki-Yomi-No-Miya shrines in the Ise Jingu temple.He also enjoys an ancient sanctuary on the islandof Iki. Also Tsuki-Yomi-Otoko.Tsunigoab (wounded knee)Creator god. Khoi [Namibia, southwesternAfrica]. As his name suggests, he walks with alimp. His injury was sustained in a primordial battlewith his arch rival GAUNAB, the god of darkness,who was eventually driven away to live in theblack heaven. Tsunigoab used to be invoked atdawn each day.Tu (1)Chthonic earth goddess. Chinese. A fertility spiritalso identified as she who was invoked to bringgood harvests by phallic-shaped mounds of earthleft in the fields.Tu (2)Primordial god. Polynesian. One of three elements,with TANE and LONO, who existed inchaos and night which they broke into pieces,

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