Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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322 ToziTozi<strong>God</strong>dess of healing. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. Also the deity of sweet waterremedial baths.Trailokyavijaya (lord of three worlds)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist (Mahayana). Seen standing on theHindu deities Mahesvara (ŠIVA) and GAURI.Color: blue. Attributes: arrow, bell, bow, club,hook, noose, prayer wheel, staff and sword. Alsoan alternative name for ACALA.Trayastrinsa (the thirty-three)Collective name for the group of deva gods.Hindu (Vedic). One of the many lists ofdeities in Hinduism, this one is contained inthe Rg Veda and includes thirty-three namesdivided into three groups of eleven in each ofthe three worlds. Subsequently, the DEVASwere separated into eight VASUS, twelveADITYAS, eleven RUDRAS and two ASVINS. In laterHinduism the number thirty-three is increasedhyperbolically to 330 million and deva refers togods excluding the major triad of BRAHMA,VIŠNU and ŠIVA.Triglav<strong>God</strong> of war. Slav (Baltic). The head of the pantheonin Stettin and also mentioned in associationwith Brandenburg, he is described in chronicles asbearing three heads.Trikantakidevi (goddess of three thorns)<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu. <strong>Of</strong> terrible appearance. Color:part red, part black. Attributes: conch, two lamps,prayer wheel and teeth.TrimurtiCollective title for the major triad. Hindu. Athree-headed representation of BRAHMA, VIŠNUand ŠIVA as one entity. Contested by someauthors, who argue that Brahma, who is almostinvariably represented with four heads, would beincluded here with only one.Tripura (lady of the three cities)Mother goddess. Hindu and Jain. In Jainismregarded as one of the ASTAMATARAS. In Hinduismthe SAKTI of Tripurantaka, an ugra (terrible)representation of the god ŠIVA, alternativelya form of the goddess PARVATI. The “three cities”are the cities of gold, silver and iron, one inheaven, one in the air and one on earth, whichŠiva destroyed in his form as Tripurantaka.Tripura is depicted attended by vultures. Attributes:book, hook, noose and rosary.Trita (Aptya)<strong>God</strong>(dess). Hindu (Vedic). Known from the RgVeda. An obscure form of Indra with strong waterattributes. Also Aptya.TritonsMinor sea gods. Roman. The children of POSEI-DON and AMPHITRITE who are depicted as hybridfish-men. Generally included in the royal court ofthe god Neptune. Attributes: conches.See also NEPTUNUS.Trivikrama (taking three steps)<strong>God</strong>. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). It may originallyhave been the name of a sun god, but is taken asthe incarnation of VIŠNU which strides the worldin three steps in his dwarfish manifestation, and islinked with the Hindu perception of the three

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