Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Toyo-Uke-Bime 321Tornarssuk (big tornak or shaman)Supreme being. Inuit. The master of the tornat,the group of controlling deities. He is essentiallybenevolent and can be communicated withthrough the individual tornak of a shaman. Hishome is in the underworld in the land of souls. Heis described as being of vague appearance, possiblyin the guise of a huge bear, though in GreenlandInuit tradition he lives in the sea, appearingas a large fat seal with long tentacles (i.e. possiblya cuttlefish). He devours the souls of those he cancapture. With the introduction of Christianity hewas syncretized with the devil.ToroCreator god. Ngbandi [Democratic Republic ofCongo, central Africa]. He is perceived as a greatserpent, the son of KANGALOGBA, who is both thespirit of the dragonfly and the symbol of thesacred river Oubangui.TororutCreator god. Pokot and Suk [Uganda and westernKenya, East Africa]. He is invoked in a specialannual ceremony, which involves the sacrifice ofan ox, to ensure safety of crops and cattle. Thesame ritual is performed in times of drought,famine or plague. His brother is ASIS the sun god.His consort is SETA and their children includethe rain god ILAT, ARAWA the moon and TOPOHthe evening star.TotatisSee TEUTATES.Totilma’il (father-mother)Creator being. Mayan (Tzotzil, classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. An androgynous personalitywho represents the ancestral source of creation.TotoltecatlFertility god. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. One of the group classed as theOmetochtli complex concerned with the magueyplant and the brewing of the alcoholic drinkpulque.Tou Mou<strong>God</strong>dess of measure. Chinese. Usually depictedwith many arms and with a caste mark on herforehead, suggesting that she derives from thegoddess of the aurora, MARICI, in Indian Buddhism.She is considered to live in the constellationof Ursa Major and may also be an aspect ofthe astral goddess TIN HAU.Touia Fatuna (iron stone)Earth goddess. Polynesian [Tonga]. The daughterof Kele (slime) and Limu (seaweed), she is theapotheosis of rock deep in the earth and isperiodically in labor, at which time she rumblesand shakes and produces children.Toumou<strong>God</strong> of uncertain function. Egyptian. A deitywhose mummy was allegedly kept at Heliopolis.Toyo-Uke-Bime<strong>God</strong>dess of foodstuffs. Shinto [Japan]. Anambiguous deity often identified with Inari, she issaid in the Kojiki to be a daughter of Waku-Musubi-No-Kami and a great granddaughter ofIZANAGI and IZANAMI. Her main sanctuary is theGeku in Ise, whither she was allegedly removedfrom Tamba after the emperor had received adream-message from the sun goddess AMATERASUin AD 478.

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