Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Tomwo’get 319Tloque Nahauque (ruler of the near andthe adjacent)Creator god. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. One of the group classed as the Omeotlcomplex.through the magical power of a waterfall. Hispriest wears similar attire to that of Nayenezgani,but the mask is painted with red ocher except fora triangular black area bordered with white. Italso has a fringe of yellow or red wool.Tna’nto (dawn coming out)Spirit of the dawn. Koryak [southeastern Siberia].The apotheosis of the first light of dawn in theeastern sky.Tokakami<strong>God</strong> of death. Huichol Indian (Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. His chief antagonist is the moon goddessMETSAKA.Tnecei’vune (dawn walking woman)Spirit of the dawn. Chukchee [southeasternSiberia]. The female consort of the dawn.See also TNE’SGAN, MRATNA’IRGIN, LIETNA’IR-GIN and NA’CHITNA’IRGIN.Tne’sgan (top of the dawn)Spirit of the dawn. Chukchee [southeasternSiberia]. One of four beings controllingthe dawn in different directions. Sacrifice ismade and blood is sprinkled in the appropriatedirection.Toa’lalit<strong>God</strong> of hunters. Bella Coola Indian [BritishColumbia, Canada]. Oversees the hunting ofmountain goats. He is invisible, but great huntersmay catch a glimpse of his hat, moccasins ormountain staff moving about. His animals are thelynx and raven.Tobadzistsini (child of the water)War god. Navaho [USA]. Considered youngerand inferior to NAYENEZGANI, the chief wargod of the Navaho. His mother conceived himToko’yoto (crab)Guardian spirit. Koryak [southeastern Siberia].In Koryak tradition, one of the “owners” of theworld, the master and creator of the PacificOcean. His name is that of a large sea crab. Insome legends he is the father of MITI, the motherof the Koryak people.Tomiyauhtecuhtli (our male maizeefflorescence lord)Fertility and rain god. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. One of the group classed as theTLALOC complex.TomorCreator god. Illyrian [Albania]. Also a god of thewinds. Depicted in human form attended byeagles and still invoked by rural peasants.Tomwo’get (self-created)Archetypal creator being. Koryak [southeasternSiberia]. The consort of Ha’na and father ofSupreme Being, TENANTO’MWAN, and of BigRaven, QUIKINNA’QU.

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