Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Tlalehitonatiuh 317power. One of the group classed as the TEZ-CATLIPOCA complex.Tuesley in Surrey, England, derive from the nameof the god.TIWAZ (derives from Indo-European wordfor god, dieus)ORIGIN Germanic (northwestern Europe). Chiefsky god; god of war.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 500 BC andprobably earlier until Christianization circa AD1100.SYNONYMS Tyr; Tiw or Tig (Anglo-Saxon);Teiwa (archaic).CENTER(S) OF CULT scattered forest sanctuaries.ART REFERENCES reliefs in stone and metal.LITERARY SOURCES runic inscriptions (seeWodan).Germanic war god and probably chief amongtheir sky gods, one of two contenders onwhich OTHIN may have been modeled inNordic (Icelandic) culture. Classical writersidentified the Roman war god MARS withTiwaz, thus for the third day of the week wehave mardi in French but Tuesday in English.The runic symbol for Tiwaz is sometimes cuton spears, presumably to offer talismanic protection.Tiwaz represents law and order andappears as a more honest judiciary than Othin(see Othin).According to legend, Tiwaz is a one-armed god,having sacrificed his hand to the jaws of the wolfFenrir so that it might be bound up. This mayhave been the origin of a practice by which,according to Tacitus, the Germanic Semnonestribe bound the hands and feet of those enteringa woodland sanctuary, probably dedicated toTiwaz. At Ragnarok (doom) it is believed thatFenrir will break free and swallow the sun.According to Snorri (Prose Edda) the wolf Garm,possibly Fenrir by another name, kills Tiwaz inthe final battle of the gods. Place names such asTi’ykitiySun spirit. Yakut [southeastern and centralSiberia]. <strong>Of</strong>ten identified with the supreme beingAYI’URU’N TOYO’N.Ti’zil-KutkhuGuardian spirit. Kamchadal [southeasternSiberia]. One of the sons of the creator spiritKUTKHU, his consort is SI’DUKU and he isconsidered to be the progenitor of the Kamchadaltribe.Tlacahuepan (human beam)Minor god of war. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. A patron god of Mexico and one of thegroup classed as the HUITZILPOCHTLI complex.Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli (lord of the dawn)<strong>God</strong> of the morning star (Venus). Aztec (classicalMesoamerican) [Mexico]. An incarnation oravatara of the god creator QUETZALCOATL andone of the group classed as the Mixcoatl complex.The ruler of the twelfth of the thirteen heavensknown at the time of the Spanish conquest, TeotlTlatlauhcan (the place of the red god). In othertraditions (described in codices Borgia and VaticanusB) he is one of the four gods supporting thelowest heaven at each cardinal point; he resides inthe east.Tlalehitonatiuh (on the earth sun)Chthonic underworld god. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. One of the group classed asthe MICTLANTECUHTLI complex.

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