Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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316 Tinirauthe daughter of a minor official. She died at theage of twenty-eight, having perfected herself andhaving experienced recurrent dreams of savingfishing boats from the waters close to her village.This tradition was inscribed on the walls of asanctuary in Hangchow in AD 1228.Tin Hau was deified in 1278 by the Mongolemperor Kublai Khan, who introduced the title“queen of heaven.” The first of the Ch’ingemperors subsequently conferred on her the title“imperial consort.” She was thus subordinate onlyto Yu Huang Shang Ti, the Jade Emperor.Tin Hau was first worshiped as a guardian goddessof boats and fishermen, but her role wasextended so that she became the deity of oceansand fresh waters. She is celebrated in a festival onthe twenty-third day of the third month. In artshe is frequently depicted with two grotesqueattendant figures known as “Thousand LeagueEyes” and “Favoring Wind Ears.”Tinirau (innumerable)Fish god. Polynesian [Hervey Islands]. The secondoffspring of the great mother VARI-MA-TE-TAKERE and the younger sibling of AVATEA. He issaid to live in the coconut of the world on a sacredisle called Motu-Tapu immediately below thehome of Avatea and to own ponds full of all kindsof fish. He is depicted as half man (right side) andhalf fish (left side) in the form of a sprat.Tinnit<strong>God</strong>dess. Pontic (Carthaginian).See also TANIT.Tino TaataCreator god. Polynesian [Society Islands]. Probablyregarded as the tutelary deity who engenderedmankind and equating therefore to the morewidely recognized Polynesian god TANGAROA.Tir<strong>God</strong> of wisdom. Pre-Christian Armenian. Alsoconcerned with writing and revered as an oracle.TirawaCreator god. Pawnee Indian [USA]. A remoteand vaguely defined figure who is present inthe elements of wind and storm. Lightning isthe flashing of his eye. He provides the tribewith all their needs and is invoked by the Pawneeshamans.Tirumal (the excellent black one)Creator god. Early Dravidian (Tamil). Thoughtto reside in trees and equating with VIŠNU. Inlater Hinduism used as an epithet of Višnu.Tišpak<strong>God</strong>. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian). Thetutelary deity of the city of Ešnumma.TitansA race of gods. Greek. The secondary group ofdeities in the pre-Hellenic pantheon, headed bythe sky god OURANOS and the earth motherGAIA. They have six pairs of children: OKEANOSand TETHYS, KRONOS and RHEA, HYPERION andTHEA, Koeos and Phoebe, IAPETOS and Klymene,Kreos and Eurybe. According to legend the childrenusurped their father but were eventuallybeaten by ZEUS, heading the major group ofthe pantheon, who hurled them into the abyss ofTartaros.Titlacahuan (we his slaves)Ominoptent god. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. A universal and generally malevolent

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