Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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TIN HAU 315Tienoltsodi<strong>God</strong> of oceans and fresh water. Navaho [USA].He controls the waters which have fallen onearth, as distinct from those in the heavens, whichare ruled by the rain god TONENILI.Tifenua (lord of the land)Chthonic fertility god. Polynesian [Tikopia]. Heis linked with the sea god FAIVARONGO and withthe sky god ATUA I KAFIKA. His father is Pusiuraura,a powerful deity personified by the reef eel,and his mother is one of the Sa-Nguti-Te-Moana.Also Pu-I-Te-Moana.Ti’hmarSupreme god. Kolyma Tungus [Siberia]. Thename by which the Christian god was stilladdressed after local culture was influenced byRussian Orthodoxy.TikiCreator god. Polynesian (including Maori). Oneof the children of RANGINUI and PAPATUANUKUwho created mankind. In some Polynesian traditionshe is represented as the first man, akin toAdam. The word is also incorporated in tikiwanangaor “god stick,” which describes thewooden or stone images of deities that are usuallyminimally worked and stand about 19.5 inchestall. Only thirty or so examples of these areknown, most having been destroyed by Christianmissions. The celebrated large Maori totems aredepictions of ancestors who appear as human/birdor reptile hybrids. Also Ki’i (Hawaiian).Tiksnosnisa (hot and sharp)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. Apparently connected with theguardian deities or dikpalas in the northwesternquarter. Color: sky green (possibly meaning“overcast”). Attributes: book and sword.TillaBull god. Hittite and Hurrian. The attendant andvehicle of the weather god TEŠUB.Timaiti-Ngava Ringavari (soft-bodied)Primordial being. Polynesian [Hervey Islands].The female principle which, with TIMATEKORE,engendered the earth mother PAPATUANUKU.Timatekore (nothing more)Primordial being. Polynesian [Hervey Islands].The male principle which, with TIMAITI-NGAVARINGAVARI, engendered the earth mother PAPAT-UANUKU.TinSky god. Etruscan. His attribute is a bunch oflightning flashes and he may appear in associationwith THALNA, goddess of birth. In Roman culturehe becomes syncretized with JUPITER.TIN HAU (queen of heaven)ORIGIN Taoist (Chinese). <strong>God</strong>dess of waters.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa AD 1300 untilpresent.SYNONYMS Lin Ma-Tzu; Ma-Niang; Ma-Tzu.CENTER(S) OF CULT Hangchow and throughoutChinese culture.ART REFERENCES paintings and sculptures.LITERARY SOURCES various philosophical andreligious texts, mostly inadequately researchedand as yet untranslated.Tin Hau originates as a mortal born on the islandof Mei-Chou in the Fukien province of China,

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