Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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312 Tezcatlipoca-Itztlacoliuhquialso HUITZILPOCHTLI), in the west red and in thenorth black.Tezcatlipoca-ItztlacoliuhquiTemple deity. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. One of four described in the codicesBorgia, Cospi and Fejervary-Mayer.See also TONATIUH, CENTEOCIHUATL andMICTLANTECUHTLI.TezcatzoncatlMinor fertility god. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. One of the group classed as the Ometochtlicomplex concerned with the maguey plantand the brewing of the alcoholic drink pulque.ThatmanituLocal goddess of healing. Western Semitic. Recognizedchiefly at Sidon, but also included in theUgaritic pantheon.Thea<strong>God</strong>dess. Greek. One of the TITANS, consort ofHYPERION and mother of the sun god HELIOSand of the goddesses EOS (dawn) and SELENE(moon). Also Theia.Theandros<strong>God</strong>. Pre-Islamic northern Arabian. Known onlyfrom Greek and Roman inscriptions.Thab-IhaHearth god. Bon (pre-Lamaist) [Tibet]. Color:red. Attribute: a snake in the form of a noose.Thakur DeoLocal god. Hindu. Known from various villagesin northern India. His consort is DHARTI MATA.May appear with a white horse. Also Thakkur.Thalna<strong>God</strong>dess of childbirth. Etruscan. Depicted as ayouthful woman, often associated with the skygod TIN.ThanatosMinor god of death. Greek. According to legend,he is one of the two sons of NYX, the goddess ofnight, and lives in a remote cave beside the riverLethe which he shares with his twin brotherHYPNOS, god of sleep.Themis<strong>God</strong>dess of justice and order. Greco-Roman. Adaughter of the sky god OURANOS and earthmother GAIA, though not classed as one of theTitans. A consort of ZEUS and the mother ofthe Horae and Moires. She is the impartial deitywho sits blindfolded in Hades and judges thesouls of the dead to determine whether they willpass to the Elysian fields or to the fires of Tartarus.Attended by three lesser judgmentdeities, AEACOS, MINOS and RHADAMANTHOS.The guilty are handed over to the Furies—theDirae, Erinyes or Eumenides. At Rhamnus inAttica, Themis was accorded a sanctuary builtin the sixth century BC beside which that ofNEMESIS, goddess of indignation, was built in thefifth century.Thesan<strong>God</strong>dess of the dawn. Etruscan. Also invoked atchildbirth, since she brings new life into the worldeach day with her light.

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