Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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310 TESUBTESUBORIGIN Hittite and Hurrian (Anatolia) [Turkey].Weather god.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 1800 BC orearlier until circa 1100 BC or later.SYNONYMS TEŠUP and possibly ŠUTEKH.CENTER(S) OF CULT Hattusas (Boghazköy);Arinna; many other sanctuaries in the Taurusregion and northern Syrian plain.ART REFERENCES seals and seal impressions;sculpture; rock carving.LITERARY SOURCES cuneiform and hieroglyphictexts from Boghazköy and elsewhere.Tešub is the most important deity in Hittite statereligion, although he may be subservient to theSun <strong>God</strong>(dess) of ARINNA. Principally a weathergod, as befits a mountainous region experiencingfrequent storms and otherwise changeable climate.Also a god of battle and “king of heaven,lord of the land of Hatti.” His consort is generallyidentified as HEBAT. According to legend, Tešubis involved in a typical confrontation battle withthe forces of disorder in the form of a dragon,Illuyankas. He defeats the dragon, thus symbolizingthe re-invigoration of the earth after winterand the triumph of life over death. The dramaseems to have been enacted in a New Year springfestival of Purulliyas.The king of the Hittite kingdom was Tešub’shigh priest. A fragmented document describes aritual in which the statue of the god is taken, incompany with temple prostitutes, to a Tarnu (culticor bath) house in a sacred grove where variousrites are performed over it. Tešub sometimesplays the role of the missing vegetation god (seeTELEPINU). Sculptures at Malatya identify ramsacrifices. Tešub is depicted holding a bow andstanding on a horned animal or in a chariot drawnby bulls.Tešub was imported into Greece during theMycenaean period (circa 1500-1200 BC). Bronzestatuettes of the god have been discovered atMycenae, Tiryns, Phylakopi and Delos.Teteo Innan Teteo (gods their mother)Minor god of fire. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. A paternalistic deity associated withfire. One of the group classed as the XIUHTE-CUHTLI complex.Teteoinnan<strong>God</strong>dess of curers and medical diviners. Aztec(classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico]. The head ofthe group classed as the Teteoinnan complex.Teteoinnan-Toci<strong>God</strong>dess of midwives. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. Known locally in the Valleyof Mexico and invoked by women in childbirth.One of the group classed as the TETEOINNANcomplex.TethysSea goddess. Greek. One of the TITANS, thedaughter of OURANOS and GAIA and both thesister and the consort of OKEANOS.Tetzahauteotl (god of fearful omen)Minor god of war. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. A patron god of Mexico andone of the group classed as the HUITZILPOCHTLIcomplex.Tetzahuitl (fearful omen)Minor god of war. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. A patron god of Mexico and one of thegroup classed as the HUITZILPOCHTLI complex.

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