Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Terra Mater 309(the Finnish legend of the hero Lemminkainentells a comparable story). Telepinu eventuallyreturns home, calmed, and nature returns toprosperity.The god may have received a form of tree worshipin which a hollow trunk was filled with harvestofferings.Teliko<strong>God</strong> of hot winds. Bambara [Mali, West Africa].According to tradition the water god FARO challengedhim in a primordial struggle and smashedhim against a mountain.which was then transformed into its present stateby the raven-like majordomo KU’URKIL.Tenanto’mwanCreator spirit. Koryak [southeastern Siberia].Identified particularly with the reindeer-huntingKoryak on the Taigonos peninsula. An indefiniteand remote character living somewhere in thezenith of the sky. He created the world which wasthen transformed into its present state byQUIKINNA’QU. Tenanto’mwan is the name alwaysused when addressing the creator in incantations.See also YA’QHICNIN.TeljavelikCreator god. Pre-Christian Lithuanian. Heengendered the sun god SAULE and is described asthe heavenly smith.TellusChthonic primordial earth mother. Roman. Acorn deity, generally regarded as benevolent, butalso a goddess of the dead. Enemy armies wereoffered to her and cursed in her name. Both sheand the corn goddess CERES were propitiatedwith human sacrifice. Also TERRA MATER.Telpochtli (male youth)Omnipotent god. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. A universal and generally malevolentpower. One of the group classed as the TEZ-CATLIPOCA complex.Tepeyollotl (hill heart)Minor chthonic or earth god. Aztec (classicalMesoamerican) [Mexico]. One of the groupclassed as the TEZCATLIPOCA complex. He wasoriginally an earthquake god, symbolized by thejaguar and later adopted into the Aztec pantheon.TepoztecatlMinor fertility god. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. One of the group classed as theOmetochtli complex concerned with the magueyplant and the brewing of the alcoholic drinkpulque.Terminus<strong>God</strong> of passage. Roman. Embodied in boundarymarker stones. He was celebrated in the Terminaliafestival on February 23.Tenanto’mniCreator spirit. Chukchee (eastern Siberia]. Anindefinite and remote character living somewherein the zenith of the sky. He created the worldTerra MaterChthonic primordial earth mother. Roman.Derived from Greek model.See also TELLUS.

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