Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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308 Tefnutwealthy and a coward. Alternatively, the pair aresons of QUETZALCOATL and of TLALOC and werehurled into the fire by their fathers. Also one ofthe group classed as the TEZCATLIPOCA complex.NOTE: eventually all the gods sacrificed themselvesfor mankind.TefnutPrimordial goddess of moisture. Egyptian.According to the genealogy laid down by thepriests of Heliopolis, Tefnut was created out ofthe breath or spit of the creator sun god ATUM.She is the sister of ŠU, god of the air, and themother of GEB and NUT. Her main cult sanctuarywas at Heliopolis. Tefnut, like Šu, can becomeone of several manifestations of the “eye of RE” inwhich case she appears as a lion, or in humanform but with a leonine head. According to thePyramid Texts, she creates pure water from hervagina. In a different context she takes the form ofa snake encircling a scepter.Tegid FoelWater goddess. Celtic (Welsh). One of a pair withCERIDWEN, identified by the poet Taliesin.Teharon(hiawagon) (he who holds heavenin his hands)Creator god. Mohawk Indian [USA and Canada].He engendered the world and all living thingsand is invoked by shamans to provide good healthand prosperity. His adversary is the demonic figureTawiskaron, symbolizing darkness.Teicauhtzin (younger brother)Minor god of war. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. A patron god of Mexico and one of thegroup classed as the HUITZILPOCHTLI complex.TeisbasTutelary god. Urartian [Armenia]. Known frominscriptions.Tejosnisa (sharp)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. Apparently connected with theguardian deities or dikpalas in the southeasternquarter. Color: whitish red. Attribute: sun disc.TELEPINUORIGIN Hittite and Hurrian (Anatolia) [Turkey].Vegetation and fertility god.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 1800 BC orearlier until 1100 BC or later.SYNONYMS Telipuna.CENTER(S) OF CULT associated with at least fourcities in the Turus region, including Nerik, butalso known down into the Syrian plain.ART REFERENCES seals and seal impressions;sculptures; monumental rock carvings.LITERARY SOURCES texts from Boghazkoy, etc.Telepinu is a fertility god, the son of TEŠUB or,in alternative tradition, TARU, who brings thunder,lightning and rain. He may be of Hurrianorigin. He goes missing and is rediscovered tosymbolize the annual demise and restoration ofnature.The story of his disappearance is told in severaldiffering narratives, and his role is sometimestaken by the weather god Tešub. Essentially thelegend describes how Telepinu departs from theHittite kingdom in a rage with boots on thewrong feet. The sun god gives a feast for thethousand gods of Hatti, but is unable to feed allthe guests because there is not enough food inthe land. First an eagle, then Tešub himself, goout to search. Finally the goddess HANNAHANNASsends a bee which finds and stings the sleepingTelepinu, provoking still further rage in nature

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