Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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304 Taranisgroup of MAHAVIDYAS personifying the SAKTI ofŠIVA. She may also be the consort of CANDRA(SOMA). Aspects include Krodharatri. Attributes:knife, skin, skull, snakes and sword. Three-eyed.2. <strong>God</strong>dess. Buddhist (Mahayana andVajrayana). An epithet of the mother of the BUD-DHA, Maya. Also one of a series of female deities,the DHYANIBUDDHASAKTI considered to be aspectsof the Sakti of AVALOKITESVARA or of AMO-GASHIDDHI. She may also be the Sakti of ADIBID-DHA and of the various DHYANIBUDDHAS, in whichcase she is characterized by their colors. TheseTaras thus become “White Tara” and so on.See also BHRKUTI, EKAJATA, KURUKULLA,SITATARA and SYAMATARA. In Tibetan Buddhismshe is known as sGrol-ma.TaranisThunder god. Romano-Celtic (Gallic). Knownonly from limited inscriptions, but may emulatethe Germanic god DONAR and is possibly thesame as Taranucos. The Romans equated himwith JUPITER and a Jupiter Tanarus inscription atChester in England may refer to Taranis. Hissymbol is a spoked wheel and he is presumed tobe the object of savage rites. The modern Bretonword for thunder is taran. Also Taranos.TarhuntWeather god. Hurrian (Anatolian). Known frominscriptions as the father of TELEPINU.Tari PennuChthonic goddess. Indian (Khond). Created bythe sky gods BOORA PENNU and BELLA PENNUso as to conceive the rest of the pantheon. Sheis identified as a malevolent deity, the subject ofregular propitiation human sacrifices in thenotorious meriah rituals in Orissa province.TaruWeather god. Hittite and Hurrian. Knownfrom inscriptions and equating with IŠKUR.Probably of Hurrian origin.See also TARHUNT; TELEPINU.Tarvos TrigaranosBull god. Romano-Celtic (Gallic). Knownchiefly from a four-sided monument erectednear Paris by boatmen of the Seine during thereign of the emperor Tiberius. It depicts ESUS,VULCANUS, JUPITER and Tarvos. As Tarvos Trigaranos,he is drawn as a bull with three craneson its back and can be seen at such places asDorchester in England. The bull may alternativelybear three horns.Tasenetnofret<strong>God</strong>dess. Egyptian. The consort of HORUS asHAROERIS and regarded as a minor emanation ofthe goddess HATHOR. Known from the sanctuaryof Kom-Ombo.Tašmetu(m)<strong>God</strong>dess. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian).The consort of the god NABU.TašmišuAttendant god. Hittite and Hurrian. The siblingof the weather god TEŠUB.TateCreator god. Sioux [USA]. He appears in theclouds, his voice is the wind and he controls thechanging of the seasons. He is also the guide ofthe spirits of the dead. He is the deity with whomthe Sioux shamans intercede.

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