Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Tam Kung 301shamanism and with the healing rituals ofshamans.Tai-Sui-Jing<strong>God</strong> of temporal time. Chinese. The apotheosisof the planet Jupiter which orbits the sun in atwelve-year cycle.TajinGeneric title for a group of rain gods. Totonac(Mesoamerican) [Mexico]. Worshiped by a moderntribe and believed to reside in the ruins of ElTajin, a classic Veracruz site whence they controlthe thunder clouds.See also TLALOC.Taka-Mi-Musubi-No-Kami (high augustproducing wondrous deity)Primordial creator being. Shinto [Japan]. Thesecond of the deities listed in the sacred Kojikitext. He appeared in the Takama-No-Hara (plainof high heaven) after AME-NO-MINAKA-NUSHI-NO-KAMI. A remote and vaguely defined being,he was-born alone in the cosmos and hides himselffrom mankind.Taka-Okami-No-Kami (great producer ofrain in the mountains)Rain god. Shinto [Japan]. Specifically the god ofrain generated in mountains. A god of fierce rain,also known as the “god of the dividing of thewaters.”See also KURA-OAKMI-NO-KAMI.Take-Mika-Dzuchi-No-Kami<strong>God</strong> of thunder. Shinto [Japan]. One of the RAI-JIN gods of thunder, storms and rain, he is alsoone of the warrior deities who guarded PrinceNINIGI on his descent from heaven to earth. Atutelary god of swordsmen and judoka artists.See also FUTSU-NUSHI-NO-KAMI.Takkiraja<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. A dikpala or guardian of thesoutheastern quarter. Color: blue. Attributes: bluestaff, jewel, lotus staff, sword and trident. AlsoVajrajvalanalarka and Vajrayaksa.Takotsi Nakawe (our grandmother growth)Chthonic vegetation goddess. Huichol Indian(Mesoamerican) [Mexico]. The earth and all plantlife belong to her and she is regarded as the motherof the gods, particularly of the fire god TATEVALI.She is very old and is invoked to give the boon oflongevity. Her sacred tree is a form of fig, the salate.TaksakaSnake god. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). One of agroup of seven MAHANAGAS. Attributes: rosary,swastika and waterjar.Ta’labMoon god. Pre-Islamic southern Arabian. Healso has an oracular function.Tam KungLocal sea god. Chinese. A deity with control overrain and water and who extinguishes fires. Hisworship is restricted to a coastal region betweenHong Kong and Macau. According to traditionhe was an eight-year-old boy emperor, the last ofthe Sung Dynasty, who committed suicide byjumping over a cliff in the face of Kublai Khan’sadvance in AD 1276. His attendant is Ho Wang,who joined him in death. A sanctuary in Coloane

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